The Advantages Of Healthy Fruit Juices In Our Health


Healthy Fruit Juices

More about the benefits of juicing

* Gastric Property : This property is related to the anti-inflammatory properties, since the group of flavonoids have the ability to prevent gastric inflammation processes.

Certain flavonoids, such as quercetin, rutin and kaempferol , have anti-ulcer properties to protect the gastric mucosa. Can also cite the case of cyanidin that protect gastric mucosal injury caused by aspirin ingestion.

* Eye Properties: has been observed that the use of black currant has a positive effect on the night vision facilitating adaptation to darkness. It has also been shown that in the case of patients with myopia, the antocinanos decrease the symptoms.

* Prevent the fragility of capital and vasculature system and venous
: polyphenols increase the resistance and decrease capillary fragility facilitating that these vessels are broken thereby preventing bleeding. Polyphenols with better results with the vascular and venous system are flavonoids such as rutin and hesperidin and quercetin present in many fruits .

* Antimicrobial properties : Scientists have shown that polyphenols type isoflavonoids and stilbenes have furanocoumarins and stilbenes have antibacterial , antiviral and antifungal properties.

* Properties of delaying neurodegenerative diseases : Through a study has shown that the consumption of fruit and vegetable juices, which contain a high concentration of polyphenols, reduces the risk of incident Alzheimer disease . Fruit juices and vegetables may play an important role in delaying the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

* Traditional remedie against urinary tract infections : Randomized clinical studies have shown a decrease in the frequency of urinary tract infections in women who consume cranberry juice. Studies on the mechanisms available show that these effects beneficial are due to the inhibition of adhesion of E. coli urinary mucosa. This seems to be associated to the presence of  roanthocyanidins in cranberry juice.

Natural fruit juice

Of all the juices that today are in the market should be highlighted red fruit juices because of their health benefits . Among the red fruit known can include: bilberry, cranberry, currant, red grape, cherry , strawberry, raspberry, plum, prickly pear, elderberry, pomegranate, etc.

Each type of red fruit has different compounds responsible for their color . The red color of these fruits not only depends on the type of fruit that is but also the variety of the fruit, such as European and American cranberry have different composition.

Also depends on the maturity degree of the plant organs, an alteration in the fruit due to an microorganism ,the mode of fruit processing ,the storage conditions, etc. The red compounds soluble in water can be classified into two groups: anthocyanins and betacyanins.

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