Is An Obligation Know More About Cancer-2


More About Cancer

Despite its faster duplication than normal, maintain the original tissue's characteristics to which they belong . Not often become malignant, and its main drawback is that they can get to push adjacent organs, preventing their vital functions.

Malignant tumors, however  invade and destroy surrounding tissues. Therefore a cell corresponding to a malignant tumor, can invade the blood or lymphatic bloodstream.Such cell can thus move throughout the body and invade other tissue, settling anywhere, thus forming a new tumor or metastases.Benign tumors do not have metastasize.

Malignant cancer cells lose their specialization , that is, the malignant tumor  tissue  is always similar to the other malignancy tumor, regardless of the tissue  type in which they are formed.

 Malignant tumors develop more rapidly than benign and can be divided into carcinomas and sarcomas. The first occurs in the epithelial cells , namely skin and mucous basically and are the most numerous.

The latter are produced in the mesenteric cell ( bone, muscle, cartilage , adipose tissue and endothelium ).
Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the content and balance of blood cells. It may be associated with a tumor in the bone marrow, or somewhere in the lymphatic system.

Immune system and cancer
The immune system, the body's defenses , are responsible for eliminating cancer cells that may form. The mechanism is as follows: a macrophage ingests and assimilates a cancer cell, and subsequently showing that cell fragments on its surface.

B and T murderers lymphocytes recognize these fragments  and inform other murderers B and T lymphocytes to multiply and activate against cells from specified characteristics. When the "enemy" has been annihilated, suppressor T lymphocytes disable the previous murderers B and T ,remaining actives only a few as a preventive memory.

Could reach exist up to 10,000 cancer cells in a body , without reaching to develop the disease, according to immunologist Michael Williams.
We can see the incalculable work value of our defense system, to continually keep these altered cells form neoplasia.

When the defense system response, for whatever reason , is temporarily or continuously depleted,some of these malignant cells can thrive in a new cancerous growth.

Therefore, we can see that for a cancer develops several requirements must be met: · suitable mutation for cells to multiply uncontrollably. Carcinogens agents are essential for this.

· Failure of biochemical defense mechanisms against tumors.
· Immune system failure.

What are these carcinogenic agents? Why natural anticancer mechanisms fail? Why the immune system fails?
These are the big questions that will enable us to address both prevention and treatment of cancer.

Although much remains to be discovered about the complex mechanisms that come into play in cancer formations, there are many products supplied by nature, which  sometimes without knowing exactly why, act effectively against tumors, reducing and even eliminating them.

In the following chapters we try to give a  detailed exposition of the mechanisms that favor cancerous tumors development  as well as products and natural methods that help us to prevent and suppress such abnormality

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