Vitamins For Healthy Gums
Gums are a tissue of very closely related to the denture, as it is the base for supporting the dental pieces, while protecting them from bacteria.
Any drawback to the gums may gravely affect the mouth health, then it must pay extreme attention so they do not get injured.
Signs of decay gum
Complications come to become difficult to overcome if bleeding occurs or changes the color of the gums,therefore is necessary go to the dentist immediately.
Food for healthy gums
Prevention with nutrients and vitamins
Always the best is prevention. It has adequate food to maintain your health : nutrients , calcium , phosphorus , fluorine , vitamins D, A and group B.
Diet age
At any age the nutrients are essential for the establishment and body structuresmaintenance in general and teeth and gums in particularly, so that you have the availability of healthy mouth.
Vitamin E
Dentists recommend much vitamin E to treat various problems, is an essential supplement for gums.Vitamin E oil in a disadvantaged area , relieves pain and heals gums lainjured.Vitamin E is found in the wheat germ oil and unrefined vegetable oil. It is a antioxidant and protects from illnesses.
Vitamin D
This vitamin has a significant performance in the bone maintenance and dental health :provides the calcium absorption and phosphorus to hold bones,teeth and to safeguard the nervous system. Vitamin D system ensures stronger gums to fight bacteria successfully.
Food, sun
Foods that have it, are oily fish, fish liver oil , margarine , eggs , milk and dairy products. Part of this vitamin is acquired in the skin by sunlight , and consequently is invaluable the exposure to the sun , although moderate , and more in children.
vitamin C
Vitamin C also plays an important role in the progress and maintenance of healthy teeth and gums,since it acts on gums collagen synthesis and the rest of the body.
Collagen in healthy gums and teeth
Collagen contributes to the skin and muscles formation, blood vessels and internal organs among others.Its task is essential in the stages of tissue repair and healing
Collagen more benefits
Also interfere in the cartilage formation, tendons , bones and teeth collagen promotes the proper process of osteoid material and osteoblast function ( differentiated cells that synthesize collagen and bone substance ) .
It protects the blood integrity, vessels , retaining its permeability ratio , whereby the periodontal is protected from bacteria attack.
Food with vitamin C
It is recommended intake from citrus, such as orange, lemon, mandarin, grapefruit and kiwi , fresh soybeans , tomatoes , green peppers , lettuce , potatoes and cauliflower.
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