Overweight And Sedentary On Cancer


Overweight And Sedentary

There is an ancient Hindu metaphor explains that each person at birth is given a mountain of food. The less time take to consume this mountain, before will die, whereas if he/her rationed properly, not eating more than necessary, life can be much longer.

That is, eating too much shortens life. Hippocrates said that premature death was more common among obese people.

A hieroglyph found in an ancient Egyptian tomb said:

" One quarter of what you eat keeps you alive. The other three -fourths keep your doctor alive .".  :-))

It has been shown that obesity, in addition to pose a serious risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, increases the colorectal cancer likelihood .

Studies in laboratory has shown that the more to an animal is overfed, higher is the incidence of cancer tumors. Similarly, in humans it has been statistically shown that most overweight, higher cancer risk.

Overweight and cancer
The real risk is  the calories that are not burned, ie the total calorie intake minus the amount of them that have spent through the activity, metabolism, etc. Therefore, not only the overfed is dangerous, but also sedentary lifestyle . And when both are combined, the result is disastrous . For example, it is estimated that sedentary people have twice as likely to develop colorectal cancer than those who practice exercise.

Having more overweight more or less important is linked to a higher lipid levels than normal. This easily implies a high level of cholesterol and other fats which as discussed below, increases the cancer risk.

Also, another factor that makes the cancer development  is a estrogen hormone imbalance: it was found that an excess of them  is an important factor in the breast cancer apparition. If we add the fact that excess body fat is linked to body increased estrogen, we realize the relationship between overweight and cancer risk.

Considering that tumors need a lot of energy and nutrients to survive , it is easy to deduce that a overfed body is an optimal way for any tumor.

In addition, overweight decreases the activity of several enzymes, among which stand catalase and superoxide dismutase. These enzymes have a strong antioxidant and therefore anticancer , thereby again obesity predisposes to cancer.

Modern life life makes us prone to physical inactivity. Jobs are often sedentary , leisure is filled with many sedentary activities , we have a large number of inventions that prevent us having to exercise the muscles:  automobiles,aircraft,escalators, elevators, etc.

 Part    |   1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |

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Source:  Dr. Josep Ribal


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