Drugs And Body Natural Reactions


Drugs And Side Effects

There are thousands of different chemical compounds and preparations made by large multinational pharmaceutical industry.

The effectiveness of these products for specific ailments eradication is evident. But at the same time, the use of such synthetic products is danger for all known: the side effects.

As mentioned previously, the action of these drugs is usually limited to the body natural reactions or symptoms, turning them off effectively.

Frequently we observe that taking drugs' type, comes the appearance of several symptoms, together with the disappearance of the first. Why does this occur?Well is simple: the substance introduced into the body, inhibits the cleaner body reaction and also intoxicates it.

Drug reactions
No wonder that appears a new counter reaction to drug because the body repels  it. There is another side effect that is not considered as such, and is the body asymptomatic poisoning.

When the drug cuts us the symptoms and no other discomfort occurs, we believe that we are healed, when in reality our body is worse than before taking it.

No wonder, then, that these products and methods of inhibiting the organic response, intoxicate our body, to the point that indirectly represent a potential carcinogen.

There are also studies that confirm the direct relationship between some pharmaceutical drugs and the occurrence of certain types of malignant tumors.

This is the case, for example , aspirin , oral contraceptives , chemotherapy , radiotherapy , etc . We could also speak of dental amalgam fillings ( metal fillings), luckily practically eradicated.

Medication and addiction
Also, many medications that may create an addiction  and once started with them, become indispensable for the rest of life.

If these drugs act on the disease cause, could be abandoned once it was removed. However , by acting only on the effect, not only do not eliminate the cause, but often boost it , so it is usual  have to progressively increase the medicine dose with the passage of the years.

We can not say, then, that these products are healing. Natural remedies extracted directly from plants do not have side effects, because not only do not preclude the body reaction, but rather potency.

The healing process can sometimes be longer than in the case of pharmaceutical products , because their action does not address only to the symptom but rather to the cause that produces it, taking longer to disappear symptomatic manifestations, but leaving the body totally healthy.

So, why the scientific community is committed to follow these unnatural paths? Simply put, scientists are at the service of whoever pays them, ie, the large multinational pharmaceutical industry, which will not allow at any way that nothing tarnishes the macro business. In addition, consumers prefer to take a product that relieve us symptoms quickly, although this intoxicate the body.

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