Discover Ozone And Its Multiple Benefits-1


Ozone Therapy And Benefits

Ozone therapy is the ozone application for medical purposes, for disease treatments. This ozone is made of only by pure oxygen ,because ozone produced from air results in nitrogen oxides, highly toxic.

Crucial ozone therapies
Oxygen is crucial for the proper integrity and function of tissues and organs, acts as an antioxidant ,immunomodulatory, stimulates white blood cells , which increases the body's defenses against external aggressions such as infections, and the detection of mutagenic cells that can cause cancer or autoimmune diseases.

The decrease is involved in many processes : ischemic , trophic , degenerative, inflammatory, energy, etc. Ozone is an allotrope oxygen form that is found naturally in the earth 's atmosphere between 50,000 and 100,000 feet ( ozone layer ) as a gas of pale blue, which is created when ultraviolet energy converts the O2 into a molecule O3.

Ozone in nature

It also occurs naturally with thunder and lightning, its function is to absorb most of the sun's ultraviolet radiation preventing directly that affects the Earth's surface , but if it were not for the ozone layer the Earth 's survival of animals and plants would be impossible.

But ozone can be a pollutant in the more atmosphere  lower layers when hydrocarbons (nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide ) create a photochemical smog forming pollutants resulting in highly corrosive acid rain.

Recapping the ozone history

It was discovered in 1840 by German chemist Frederick Schonbein at the University of Basel in Switzerland , although in 1785 Martinus Van Marumtalked about the smell and oxidizing properties. It was first used in 1856 to disinfect .

At the industry level is used because of its antiseptic effect for water purification ,being much more effective and faster than chlorine, not only for its antiviral and antibacterial effect , but eliminate odors phenols derivatives, pesticides, detergents, etc, and avoid the water chlorine taste.

The first water purification plant with ozone in Monaco was built in 1860. It is also used by the bottling industry for disinfection, odor elimination in the beer production, in the pharmaceutical industry as a disinfectant  in the electronics components manufacture to oxidize impurities , eliminate odors in factories, sewage treatment plants, etc.

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