The Importance Of Healthy Fruit Juices In Our Health-1


Healthy Fruit Juices

Plants are part of the human diet and contain bioactive components that may exert physiological effects beyond nutrition, promoting human health and being beneficial .

Although fruits and vegetables always have been part of the human diet,their  nutritional importance has recently been demonstrated.

Epidemiological studies show that regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with decreased risk of chronic diseases such as cancer , cardiovascular disease , Alzheimer's, stroke, cataracts or functional impairment associated with age, as well  help a proper weight control.

Many of these diseases have been attributed to the consumption of poor diets due to modern urban lifestyle .

The public image of fruits and vegetables has improved considerably due to advances in nutrition, and health professionals , especially in developed countries , recommend the  increasing  of fruits consumption and vegetables to be low in fat and rich in dietary fibers and reduce the consumption of food of animal origin.

Likewise, the global foundation of cancer research throughout the year promotes the consumption of a variety of vegetables and fruits , ingestion of up to five or more fruit's servings and vegetables a day.

Fresh fruit juices can help consumers achieve this goal. A study carried out about the european diet at the request of the European Commission and which was the basis for the development of EU guidelines for healthy diets and lifestyles , the following recommendation was made : The consumption of fruits and vegetables in a population should be a minimum of 400g/day.

In fruits and vegetables are excluded potatoes and starch's roots, but the fruit juice is included.

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