Sort Of Foods To Be Avoided


Foods To Avoid For Long Life

Healthy food tips
Change liquid vegetable oil into solid requires a chemical change. We suggest that people eat butter instead of margarine because even being animal, the body metabolizes better.Margarineis is feasible replaced  with olive oil.

Coffee creamers
Although there are versions of this product without trans fat , doctors insist that should apply less harmful substitutes.For example, changing to natural milk, skim milk or soy milk, says Loredo.

Refrigerated dough ( scones and cinnamon rolls )
The cooled mass is based on the management of trans fats to maintain a longer life and smoothness.It is recommended to use other types of oil , as canola and corn.

New additives add danger

Some experts expressing their alarm , in the sense that new additives  unsure extend the life of product in cooling, similarly that the trans fats without complete information or disclose , so that most of the population do not known.

Icings ready to eat
The pastry icings presents ready to eat are trans fats, which lengthens their lives in terms of their strength and stability at room temperature. Companies are looking for another way to extend their edibility for more time, even though many experts say the best option is to make the frosting from the start at home, with sugar, butter and milk.

Fats to avoid and risks
Scientists ask that people pay attention to foods that do not specify the presence of trans fats, a custom which is still kept in pastry and chips restaurant ,like packaged foods in markets ;  all  omit the labels required since 2006.

What is the best option in a restaurant

It is preferable to choose the most natural and less fried foods,leaving margarine aside and asking cold pressed extra virgen olive oil .As regards to home, never corresponds reusing oils and  at the same time measure the amounts without going to extremes.

Biomolecules from carbohydrates and protein are worse

Do not overeat , otherwise , biomolecules , such as proteins , carbohydrates and fats are converted in fats and become worse than trans.


Who eats food without moderation, overflowing in incorporating foods , eat more than  need and then suffers from poor health and poor quality of life.


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