Cancer Relationship With Snuff


Snuff And Cancer

Cancer from smoking

* Cerebrovascular disease doubles the stroke likelihood, such as strokes and brain hemorrhages.

* Peripheral arterial occlusive disease : blood vessel progressive occlusion that prevent the flow comes to a member, usually a limb must be amputatedeventually.

* Digestive problems. Peptic ulcer.

* Dental and gum problems.

* Premature aging.

* Osteoporosis, in women.

* Effects on pregnancy : intrauterine growth retardation , spontaneous abortion, prematurity, fetal and neonatal death, placental abruption,prolonged premature rupture of membranes, developmental disorders physical and mental of children,sudden death in infancy, and in some sometimes irreversible consequences. Carbon monoxide passes into the fetus bloodstream.

* Breastfeeding : Nicotine can pass into breast milk. This substance is addictive ,which occurs sometimes an addiction to snuff by the baby. The risk of dying because of snuff is 50% in active smokers. Ten years after quitting, the risk low  to 30 %. In statistical terms, we can say that every cigarette subtract 7 minutes of life.

In regard to  passive snuff smoke  inhalation, it was found that those who do not smoke but live with a smoker increases by 30 % the risk of developing lung cancer. It has been found that the concentration of carcinogenic compounds is significantly higher in the exhaled smoke that in smoke inhaled directly.

Smoke exhaled by the smoker contains, for example, from 2 to 15 times the carbon monoxide that which comes directly from cigarette.
An estimated 53,000 people were killed in 1995 by passive smoking in the United States. A part of the amount of snuff consumed every day, a further factor aggravating is the time during which we have smoked.

For example, it is much worse smoking a pack of cigarettes daily for two years that smoking two packs a day for a year .

What happens when someone stops smoking? At 24 hours after the last cigarette, the body begins to react to clean.Can then present the so-called withdrawal syndrome consisting of symptoms such as dizziness, headache , insomnia, bad cough , anxiety, etc.

The higher is the poisoning of our body , the stronger are the purifying symptoms. You can avoid all this by practicing a gradual withdrawal, imposing a decreasing dose of snuff.

Who stop smoking may experience weight gain usually between 3 and 5 kg. Most important is not turn off the quitting anxiety by food every day. Otherwise it can be a  detrimental weight gain. Awareness of this very important.

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