The Natural Tea That Making Sleep


Tea to sleep

Tea has been used for thousands of years to help heal and balance the body in different ways. If you are suffering from a sleep disorder such as insomnia , you will be surprised to know that there are teas available to help you sleep. However, the effectiveness of this treatment depends of  how to use the right kind of tea. Here are some things to keep in mind when you make this decision.

First of all, you need to ensure that you are consuming the appropriate herbal tea. Most people know that chamomile tea help to sleep, but do not know that there are other types of tea that do too.

Lavender and Hibiscus also have sleep inducing properties. You can try to use them individually or maybe mix. Not only for its pleasant taste, but also because it helps you sleep, the aromatherapy taht you can also be applied, placing the tea under your nose, your mind leads to a relaxed state.

You also need to be careful that you are not drinking an infusion that containing some kind of stimulant. If you buy tea in a store, you can never know what they put in it when they preparing this. Believe it or not, some companies actually add some stimulant in your chamomile tea !

If you really want to make sure you are eating the right things, read package labels or order directly from branch plant. Make your own tea bags and making yourself, as this is really the only way we can know what we consuming with certainty.

There are many other things you should be doing to help get some sleep, but drinking this tea can certainly help you. You should make sure that you prepare the tea leaves tea for several minutes and then drink it while it's hot . Avoid adding other things to the tea, such as sugar or milk. Sugar is a stimulant and many of us arelactose intolerant, so any ingestion of food or milk cream can cause an allergic reaction and can disrupt our sleep.

Other herbs to help sleep
valerian Valerian root has a long history of use as a mild sedative. Taken as a supplement, reduces the amount of time to fall into a deep sleep.
The recommendation is to take it right before bed. Unlike other herbs to sleep, works immediately for some people, but others have to wait at least a month before you see results.

Mulungu is a medium-sized tree that grows to a height of 10-15 meters and is commonly found in Peru and Brazil. The Mulungu reduces blood pressure and acts as a sedative. The bark and root are used to Mulungu stress, pain relief, and to induce sleep. It is also used for the treatment of asthma, bronchitis and liver disease.

Is believed to be soothing and may have mild sedative effects, it is ideal for stomach spasms and menstrual cramps, for the latter is not recommended for pregnant women. Chamomile tea has a nice flavor, making it easy to take, it is also the most common way to take this herb.

Lemon balm for sleep
Lemon balm has been used as relaxing since the Middle Ages in European folk medicine. It has a clean, fresh citrus, perfect to enjoy with tea or as a supplement. It is also one of the herbs you can add to your pillow while you sleep .
Lemon balm is also called a nootropic, or a supplement that improves brain because it can improve cognitive performance while improving sleep stimulates your mood.

Passion Flower
This plant can be used alone or in combination with other herbs such as hops .

The Definitive Secret To Have Marked Muscles


 To have toning muscles-muscles definition

Summer is on the horizon, the holy moment has come to the rest of the world. To relax and enjoy the sun. It's time to go to the beach. It is time for barbecues and pool parties.

And for those who are killed literally every day in the gym ,these activities also can also mean one thing : it's time to take off  their shirt and out to show off that hot body solid as a rock who have been working throughout the year....:-)) ))..(I apologize this introduction somewhat stereotypical..)))  ).

Muscle toning exercises
Nobody wants to be walking around with a flabby body when summer is coming, believe me, the usual gym put in " accelerated " like desperate mode to display its best s bodies during beach season.
How many of them do?

Lightening the weight and doing more reps.


This has always been a very popular method and if you ask to many fitness trainers they will tell you that more weight exercises build muscle mass and weigh less defined muscle.

You want to know the reality behind the method of " less weight and more reps " for a well-defined physique?
Well that is a big mistake !

Yes. Nothing could be further from reality. In fact, there is no logical basis to show that this form of training favors those who practice it and only causes frustration and wasted time.

Let me clear this up once and for all : you can not select a portion of the body and remove fat there exclusively. In other words, it is physically impossible to remove fat from a specific area of the body only doing exercises.

Perform exercises with low weight and high repetitions will not magically burn fat off your chest and it will not seem more pronounced and defined.

Every time you put your hands around a barbell, dumbbell or any other type of product, the goal is to stimulate the growth of muscle mass as much as possible .No exist secret exercises that make the muscles look more " defined " .

Weight training increases muscle mass. Point.

So how we get mark more muscles ?

The only way to make or give definition to the muscles is by reducing the level of body fat in order to make your muscles more visible. Reduction of body fat can obtain in two ways:

1) Modifying the diet.
You must reduce your total caloric intake to about 15 times your body weight and eating smaller meals with more frequency during the day. This will keep your metabolism naturally raised at all times and your body in a constant state of fat burning.

Limit your intake of saturated fats and simple sugars, and consume lean protein sources and low glycemic carbohydrates. It is also very important to keep your intake of water at a high level of about 30 ml per kilo of body mass.

2) Performing adequate cardiovascular exercises.

Changes the traditional method of moderate intensity of cardiovascular exercises for 30-45 minutes. If you want to maximize your body 's ability to burn fat and minimize muscle loss that inevitably accompanies a fat burning cycle , focus on shorter cardio workouts performed at a higher intensity level.

This type of training will shoot your resting metabolism and allow you to burn maximum fat even when you are not performing exercises. They are recommended 3-5 sessions per week of high intensity cardio spaced at least 8 hours of regular exercise with weights.

And that's it! Take the notion of " light weight and high reps " and throw it out through the window. Following this erroneous method only lose muscle mass and strength, plus you will not help in burning fat or defining your physique.

All you need to do to shape your muscles solidly for the summer is:

1) Train with normal weight and low repetitions to build muscle mass the most.

2) Modify your diet and  put into practice cardiovascular exercises to eliminate body fat and create more visible and more defined muscles .

End of story guys.,,,but...

We will see you on the beach! ....weakling guys  :-))))))) .... ....

Colors In The Urine And Their Meaning


Meaning of urine colors

Today we want to tell you what are the different colors of the urine of humans, which are normal and when corresponds to seek a medical, because waste from the body says a lot about our health.

Urine Yellow.
Yellow is the characteristic color of human urine, but the tone may vary. The pale yellow, it means that our urine is completely normal, while the darker yellow can reveal that we are lacking a liquid and it's time to hydrate.
We must consume at least 3 liters of water or other liquids during the day, amount that increases if we have physical activity. If we do not take enough , we will notice in our urine, and will not be sufficiently diluted .

Transparent Urine.
Drinking water is important, but if you drink too much your body could suffer problems. If your urine is almost completely transparent in color, may be due to excess fluid.

Having too much fluid in the body, the kidneys are unable to process it properly, which leads to a mineral imbalance in the body that can be dangerous.

Honey or amber colored urine.
While we are not in trouble , when the urine gets out of the palette of yellows, it means that our body needs to hydrate as quickly as possible to avoid problems.

Urine light brown or tea-colored.
Urine light brown, similar to candy or nut, or tea-colored, can mean that we are having some kind of liver problem or we are very dehydrated . It is best to drink fluids and wait if the situation improves. Otherwise , consult a doctor.

Blue or green urine
sounds very strange, but there is a disease that causes our urine turns blue or green, is family hypercalcemia.

In other cases, the color may be due to a bacterial urinary tract infection or be side effect of taking certain medications or dyes. When in doubt , read the medication manual if you're taking one and if not , see your doctor to receive the necessary treatment.

Urine red or pink urine.
Seeing red or pink on the toilet, may be due to several reasons: recent consumption of beets, rhubarb or cranberries. In that case it should give the next time you go to the bathroom. Blood, in what is known as hematuria , which can be caused by infections, kidney or bladder stones , cyst or some cancers.

The reddish color of the urine
May also correspond to the effect of any medication or dye. In cases of lead or mercury poisoning , the urine is also shown in this color.

Orange Urine.
Most often , urine orange is a side effect of some medications. If we add the orange urine stool color than normal, we could be facing a liver problem or bile ducts. Drink water and, if not improve, see your doctor.

Urine with foam.
If your urine is of normal color, but it seems to make foam , may be due to a harmless hydraulic effect. If the situation recurs, is the possibility of excess protein or kidney problem. It is not a care situation, but if  it keep repeating you have to go to the doctor.

urine color chart
Lets see the next  urine color chart such as orientation:

In the event that your urine has a normal color, but feel that the smell different than usual, you could be facing a urinary tract infection . If that added physical discomfort, consult your doctor.

Recommendations And Tips To Cure Snoring


How to cure snoring

This is perhaps the question that we have all ever done. All what we have suffered from snoring,we wanted to solve this question for a long time.

Snoring is a noise caused by vibration of the soft tissues of the throat when breathing during sleep. Muscles included in the soft tissues of the throat relax and the size of the airway reduces or shrinks. Air is forced through the narrow respiratory via making the tissues vibrate. The sound vibration is what is known as snoring.

Snoring is a problem that not only affects our sleep, and the people around us, but can bring it with  a number of serious consequences such as stroke, sleep apnea or hypertension.

The problem with most people that suffering from this disease is that not find ways to fix them. This may be due to different reasons, as not all people snore for the same reasons. But then, why all the people give them the same solutions ? Why all sell the same anti -snoring devices that do nothing for our trouble ? How can we solve our snoring without the need to spend large sums of money ?

We went from a simple question to a number of questions that need an answer. Luckily, all those doubts can be saved in a very simple way, knowing the causes of snoring.

As mentioned, not all people snore for the same reasons, so not all solutions must be the same. It should identify the factors that are causing our snoring to take the necessary measures to eliminate them.

By doing this, we are attacking in a timely and direct our problem, not providing general solutions to specific problems.

There are different reasons that may be causing your snoring and you are the right person to be identified. Understanding the causes of snoring will help you to find the most suitable cure or treatment to be well.

Below we detail the main reasons that make a person snores, so you can identify what is your situation regarding these noises.

Snoring causes and how to improve them
Genre: Air ducts of men are narrower than those of women. A factor as having the narrow throat, the deft palate and other physical working conditions such as extend the adenoids,also can contribute to have snoring.

Posture: The position in which you sleep can influence your snoring. If you sleep with your mouth up, the soft tissues of the throat relax and obstruct the airway. When the airway is blocked, the air is forced to pass through the tissues ,causing the vibration known as snoring.

Overweight: This is the reason why in most cases people who are overweight are more likely to snore. Fat may result in decreased muscle tone. When the soft tissues of the throat are high in fat, this reduces the tone, this can relax and block the airway, causing snoring .

Alcohol, drugs and tobacco: They act as muscle relaxants . When you smoke , drink alcohol or use any drugs that relax the muscles, it is also affecting the soft tissues of the throat. As you have read before, when the soft tissues of the throat relax, vibrate against air and cause snoring.

Difficulties in the nasal passages and sinuses:If you are experiencing these problems, your airways are blocked. Thus, the inhalation and breathing is difficult. This creates a vacuum in the throat, causing snoring.

Aging: As we age, muscle tone decreases causing a reduction in the size of the throat. With these changes, the probabilities of snoring increases.

Lose Weight Naturally With Carrots


 Carrots food for losing weight

When we are looking to lose weight, there are always some foods that are not better to eat and others who are more than recommended.

The properties of the carrot diet are many, contrary to what many nutritionists can tell you. So if you if the had taken out of your diet; you should come back to consume, as well as its many health benefits, will help you lose weight.

How to use carrots to lose weight.
Carrots are rich in fiber, one of the most important substances when we want losing weight. The fiber can not be digested by the body, simply passes through the digestive system and drags with it other foods. However, the body tries to digest it anyway, so it sends more digestive enzymes and this, in turn , causes the rest of the food is better digested , it feeling full for longer time and speed up metabolism.

Furthermore, carrots are low in fat and calories, and plenty of water. Carrots are a thermogenic food, that means that you can burn calories just by eating this vegetable. In addition, having these properties become food with low energy density, which also means that allow us to be full for longer time.

Carrots have a low glycemic index, allowing to quickly lose weight, especially if the other foods in the diet has the same conditions.Another good reason that carrots are good for weight loss is because they are full of nutrients - beta-carotene , vitamin a and potassium, which help the body to function properly, and this in turn allows you to lose weight.

If we want to lose weight eating carrots, we must simply: we do not recommend you make an exclusive diet of carrots, that's not good for your health and will not help you long term. Although carrots are extremely healthy , do not have all the nutrients needed for good health.

We must integrate the carrots at lunch and dinner, from salad, boiled up with other vegetables, and even in soups, carrots are excellent in diets. Cooked carrots lose very little nutritional values, so no problem eating them in this way.

Wild Rice Nutritional Quality


Wild rice benefits

Wild rice is a plant similar to common rice but is not the same. The appearance of the wild rice is elongated and dark grain, so it is the best way to differentiate it. Rice gives the body nutrients such as fiber, protein, vitamin B, iron,potassium magnesium,calcium, phosphorus and carbohydrates.

This food seems to be quite popular with American Indians for its properties, as it has a bit of everything and especially fiber.

The nutritional qualities of wild rice are: provides a significant amount of protein to the body so it is recommended for vegetarians and vegans who do not eat meat, helps you lose weight because it contains few calories, provides fiber that helps the slow bowel transit, helps to eliminate toxins from the body, wild rice does not contain gluten making it suitable for coeliacs, easy to digest and can be combined with foods such as vegetables, mushrooms and fish.

It is really delicious wild rice as it has similar flavor to hazelnut or walnut.

Today, it seems impossible, it is harder to find it on the markets than a few years ago. Right now, it is more common to find it mixed with white rice. We could say that it is a great idea, but no, it is not. White rice is cooked fast and wild " rice " takes forever . The result is: the white rice pass and wild rice remains crude.

You can perform lots of dishes with this food so it is worth to try and start including it in our diet. People of all ages can consume wild rice as it has no contraindications. Even is an exotic product since it is not so easy to find but slowly you can get in natural food stores.

 Wild rice allows us to taste new flavors and very healthy so it is ideal for people of all ages who like to taste exotic or gourmet products.

Wild rice properties
* It has a high protein content. About 13 percent of the composition of wild rice is protein. Thus, it can be very good in vegetarian diets, replacing meat, and for anyone who avoid feeding animals in general.

* It is good for weight loss. Wild rice is rich in fiber and relatively low in calories. Each 100 g  has 350 kcal sum. But it is relatively low considering the satiating capacity that this product has: absorbs four times its volume in liquid when is cooked.

* Does not contain gluten. This kind of rice can be used without any problems in case of rejection of wheat, oats, barley and rye. Being free of gluten, wild rice is suitable for coeliacs.

* Contains many nutrients. Vitamin B, iron, magnesium, potassium and iron are just some of the contents of wild rice.

* It is used in maany recipes easily. Being more resistant grain, it takes longer to cook. Sometimes reaches even one hour. But it can be used very simply in any recipe.

* Its against it is not very easy to get, but in Chinese herbal shops can be purchased with relative ease.

Health Effects Of Having The Lowest Cholesterol Than Normal


Low hdl cholesterol

Lots of people around the world suffer from high cholesterol. This is a very common health problem that if not treated can lead to various health consequences. But it is also important to know that the  cholesterol  more low than normal can produce negative health referrals.

Some people eliminate totally the fat from their diets to prevent weight gain or prevent problems with cholesterol. But this decision is not good because the body needs good fats to function properly.

The health effects of low levels of cholesterol are: - the inner membranes of the arteries weaken, increasing the risk of cerebral hemorrhage, favors the development of depression, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease,favors the appearance of respiratory diseases, men can experience erectile dysfunction. Is not advisable to have a cholesterol lower to 160 because it is dangerous to health.

Diets that exclude all fats are harmful to health as it should eat to be healthy fatty acids. It is important to control the level of blood cholesterol so that there is neither too high nor too low, should be balanced. The diet to be balanced, it should include all food groups including fat. It is advisable to consume extra vitgin olive oil daily as it provides good fats and helps maintain balanced blood cholesterol.

Convenient foods when we have low hdl cholesterol

* Garlic.

* Extra virgin olive Acete.

* Linseed.

* Oat Bran.

* Apples.

* Blue Fish.

* Carrots.

Other advices to increase low good cholesterol :
The practice of daily exercise and constant help to mobilize fat for combustion increases levels of good HDL cholesterol in the blood by promoting the removal of excess cholesterol. An activity of 20-30 minutes a day is enough to get it.

Medicinal plants : Dandelion , Boldo , goldenrod, artichoke , hawthorn.

Vegetables like celery contain soluble fiber that lowers LDL bad cholesterol. All vegetables help in some way, reducing LDL cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol hdl. The fruits noted for their water content, vitamins and fiber, and no provide  sodium or bad cholesterol, no trans fats.

Increase intake of monounsaturated fats present in foods such as olive oil in 75%  or flaxseed oil or linseed oil by 80 % in the avocado in nuts, seeds of grapes, peanuts, sesame.

Monounsaturated fats help maintain the level of HDL, the cholesterol without increasing the total cholesterol. Studies have shown that monounsaturated fats like olive oil reduce fat loss hdl cholesterol levels or good cholesterol. That is not to increase it, but prevents its decrease.

Tonsils Inflammation And Natural Cures


Tonsils inflammation

Inflammation of the tonsils is a fairly common condition in people of all ages. The causes inflammation of the tonsils are: acid reflux , allergies, or infection by viruses or bacteria.

The symptoms are sore throat, difficulty to swallowing , and bloating sensation in the tonsils, fever and headache. Are bothersome the symptoms since altering basic functions such as eating, talking and drinking. It is important to see your doctor to determine which is the cause that caused the inflammation of the tonsils , and prescribes a specific treatment.

In general this condition can resolves in a few days but should follow medical advice to avoid complications. You can complement medication with home remedies that do not interfere with the therapeutic treatment. We suggest to relieve inflammation drinking black tea with honey to help to soothe the discomfort caused in the throat.

It is also very effective drinking the juice of 2 oranges lowered with some water because it relieves the symptoms of inflammation of the tonsils. While inflammation of tonsils is recommended to speak little and drink as much hot liquids to helps to cure this condition faster.

If swollen tonsils are caused by allergies, it must determine which element was the allergen to prevent reoccurrence. Inflammation of the tonsils is usually not a serious condition but should be treated for proper healing.

Natural remedies for tonsils
Remedy 1 : Add a 1 glass of pure orange juice, 2 tablespoons extracted from gel extracted inside the leaves of aloe vera. Drink a glass of this preparation in fasting.

Remedy 2: Boil 1 cup of water and then pour 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers and 1 teaspoon of sage for 5 minutes. Cover and let stand for 15 minutes. Strain and gargle with infusion every 2 hours.

Remedy 3: Mix 1 /2 cup water, 1/4 cup vinegar. Soak a handkerchief with this preparation and wrap around the throat. Leave in place until dry handkerchief.

Remedy 4: Heat for 5 minutes, 1 tablespoon of sage and 1/2 tablespoons saponaria in 1/4 liter of water. Let stand for 10 minutes and drink during the day with honey.

Remedy 5: Cut 1 ripe radish and then place in a blender along with 3 pieces of pineapple, 2 cloves of garlic and a little water. Drink this juice daily in the morning before breakfast until the swelling heal.

Remedy 6: Pour 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers, 1 teaspoon and 1 teaspoon coltsfoot tormentilla in 1 cup of water is boiling . Let it rest for 15 minutes. Strain and gargle with this tea every 2 hours.

Remedy 7: Gargling of freshly squeezed lemon juice with honey five times a day. Every time you make gargling, brushing teeth is recommended to avoid the corrosive effect of lemon.

The Best Natural Viagra Granada Juice


Granada fruit the best natural viagra

With the passage of time, stress and worry, you can sometimes fall into the sexual  listlessness, that in women may be manifested by a lack of desire and  in men by the condition of erectile dysfunction, what causes depression and often a great sense of guilt.

But there are natural ways to treat this problem, for example by consuming best natural viagra: Granada juice that does not have the adverse effects that can bring the consumption of pills in heart health.
If you want to know what benefits brings the Granada juice consumption on your health , read the following article.

Granada properties
Granada is a tree that can reach up to 8 meters high. Its fruit contains numerous grains inside that can be consumed individually or also squeezed for get its juice.

The Granada is used in traditional Mexican and Lebanese cuisine because of its delicious and original flavor.

Currently have been performed numerous studies about the benefits of juice Granada in general health and especially in regards to male erectile dysfunction with proven efficacy results.

Granada juice, viagra in its natural state
A study published in 2005 has clearly demonstrated that the consumption of Granada natural juice is highly effective in cases of sexual problems, and acting on free radicals that are the major cause of suffering erectile dysfunction.

As Granada juice is full of antioxidants, this makes that the arteries and veins stay healthy, producing more and better blood flow both in the heart and throughout the male reproductive system.

If you drink a glass of Granada juice a day also notice that your sexual desire increased greatly, not only for men but also for women in the same way.

More properties from juice Granada
Besides being an excellent natural viagra, juice of Granada has other really beneficial health properties as the large number of antioxidants responsible to destroying free radicals, which cause cellular aging that often can lead to tumors, so drinking Granada juice daily will make that reduce the chance of developing this disease.

Other researchs has shown that the juice of Granada also helps in a process where the cancer cells self-destruct each other called apoptosis. It can even be extremely useful in the case of digestive problems such as diarrhea, intestinal worms and dysentery.

As you'll see the Granada is not only a delicious fruit, but is also very beneficial for both health and viagra replacement as well as to improve overall health.

Tips And Treatment For Sleep Apnea


Sleep Apnea treatment

Approximately one in ten Americans have sleep apnea. These people do not know what is a healthy sleep. It's just snoring associated with a person suffering sleep disorder.

Sleep apnea causes
The throat relaxes and even closes during sleep causing the person to stop breathing for short periods. Snoring is the sound you hear is when the sleeper gasps of air between stop and resume breathing . Many people look for home treatment of this potentially serious condition.

To determine if you actually have sleep apnea, have to be tested in a sleep test center by a trained professional. This disorder usually affects middle-aged men who are overweight. There are several ways to treat sleep apnea with home treatments.

If you have a severe case of sleep apnea that is more than five episodes per night , then you should consult a doctor. If you have five or less episodes then you can try home treatments for this disorder.

Holistic medicine practitioners have used a remedie from a flower called Vervain as a home treatment to sleep apnea. Vervain is thought to be a calming essence that has been able to help people with sleep problems.

Other natural remedies include aromatherapy, herbal medicine, homeopathy, yoga and other relaxation techniques. The combination of natural remedies with lifestyle improvements could improve sleep at night.

The loss of some weight is included in the lifestyle improvements. Many who suffer from this disorder are overweight. Losing weight can reduce the number of times you stop breathing per hour. Experts agree that weight loss should be considered when it comes to managing the problem.

Another home treatment of sleep apnea is to limit the use of alcohol and drugs. Excessive amounts of alcohol can make the symptoms worse. Certain medications such as sleeping pills and sedatives can also worsen the symptoms.

The simple fact of sleep is another treatment for apnea. The victims of this sleep disorder experience more episodes if they are not getting enough sleep. Try tosleeping on your side to remove mild symptoms. As already mentioned several times in old articles, is not advisable to sleep face down.

Other home homeopathic methods to treatment sleep apnea is changing the diet. It should avoid taking milk before bedtime. Homeopaths believe that all who suffer from this disorder should eliminate sugar and high in fat.

The breathing techniques taught in yoga is another form of treatment for sleep apnea. These techniques necessarily open to the air ducts. By learning these techniques and practice them often, you can experience relief from symptoms of obstructive apnea.

Try to breathing hard and then exhale slowly. If these home treatments for sleep apnea does not solve the problem, then is recommended consult a doctor.

Citrics Process The Fats And Helping To Lose Weight


Citric fruits

Citrics contribute to the body to process with rapidity the fats you eat, so a weight  loss is achieved, according to research released in the journal European Health Journal.


Citric acid benefits
In particular, the most beneficial fruits to lose extra kilos, are: lemon, orange, tangerine and grapefruit.

This fruit helps in many ways besides getting the weight is reduced. It is rich in fiber and pectin, both of which are essential for good digestión. Likewise, provides satisfactory performance in the pancreas and stimulates the creation of bile.

Decreases risk of bowel cancer
A diet rich in pectin allows to reduce by half the danger of intestinal cancer, as indicated by a research activity of the Health Science Center of the University of Texas in the United States.

Care when is taken the juices fasting
The juices in general can cause digestive discomfort or bloating, especially orange, if you drink them in fasting.We must avoid them  if digestion is problematic and until this situation is resolved with medical care.

Citrics Property : incite the empty of gallbladder.
Most of the citrics fruits are cholagogics, ie inciting that the gallbladder is empty and therefore activate digestión. But we must stress that in people with a sensitive digestive system, eating fasting involves discomfort.

Tangerine, lemon, orange, grapefruit are four foods that work to reduce weight safely and continuously.

Prevents obesity and in turn, provides protection to avoid exposure to risk factors for stroke and much of acute myocardial infarction.
Its content of nobiletin prevents fat accumulation in the liver, because that causes the expression of genes involved in spending too much fat, while inhibiting genes involved in producing and accumulating fat.

Lemon more qualities
It is considered an excellent home remedy for weight loss.It is iuretic, detoxifying and is a  fat burner. For achieve these results is necessary the accompaniment of a healthy diet.

Body clearance: sage, pepper
It is advisable to cleanse the body and lose kilos is taking sage juice and cayenne pepper in a follow-up of a diet, so in a few days lost kilos.

Among its many properties, are found to be good for the digestion, liver metabolism and also for all those who want to lose weight. Therefore, an orange juice daily reports significant benefits.


Eating grapefruit or drink juice reaches hinder enzymes related to hoarding fat and improves their burning. It opposes resistance to the insulin, something common when people become obese.

Grapefruit water, how much eating

What most has the  grapefruit is water;is low in calories.It is advisable to eat its white part, located between the pulp and rind since this assists to the intestinal transit.

Cucumber's Water To Lose Belly And Other Benefits


Cucumber water recipe to lose weight

Calories: 20 kcal . / 100 grams
Carbohydrates: 2.7 g
Water : 95 %
Protein: 0.69 g
Fat: 0.13 g
Vitamins A, B6 , E, C and Niacin.
Minerals: Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus, among others.

The major component of the cucumber is water, so it is very purifying and depurative; it helps to have a flatter belly. It should be in account that the more rapid metabolism can burn more calories and fats.

Take a cucumber, washed, then cut the top of the stem to remove the bitterness. peel the shell and cut into slices. Put them in a jar or glass jar , add some ice and fill with water.

Leave it in the refrigerator and let stand for an hour at least. Take the times as you possible can or required and at the time you want.You can add lemon slices ,is compatible since lemon is great for burning fat and eliminate toxins from the body.

Cucumber can helps to remove excess of water so the weight loss is greater . If the food contains too much salt; eat a slice of cucumber additionaly. A medium cucumber contains 40 calories, making it energetically ideal for weight loss.

If you are allergic to aspirin, you may be allergic to cucumbers. Be sure to consult your doctor before consuming.

How to lose belly and other cucumber benefits

Eliminates toxins. All the water you find in the cucumber acts as a broom in your body. With its consumption helps to cleanse the kidneys.

* Replace the necessary vitamins. It contains most vitamins that the body needs in one day A, B and C, very important for the immune system.

* Rehydrates the body.

* Decrease the heat from the skin inward. If you were in the sun and the skin will burn, cold cucumber applied over the affected area , it is refreshing and moisturizing.

* Provides essential minerals. It is rich in potassium, magnesium and silicon; ingredients that help our skin will look younger, fresh and smooth.

* Weight loss. Because of its high water content and low in calories, cucumber is an ideal food for people looking to lose weight. We recommend serving it in salads.

* Combats cancer. Cucumber contains secoisolariciresinol, pinoresinol andlariciresinol  three lignans that have a strong connection with the reduction of prostate cancer, ovarian , breast, and cervix.

* Refresh your mouth. Soothes and refreshes the gums. Cut a piece and press it against the palate using your tongue for a minute. Phytochemicals kill those  bacteria responsible for causing bad breath.

* Improves hair and nails. Cucumber contains silica, a mineral that helps your hair and nails grow stronger and brighter,also stimulates growth of both.

* Avoid hangovers. To avoid this, eat a couple of strips of cucumber before bedtime. The vegetable contains enough vitamin B, sugar and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients and reduce its harmful effects.

The Multiple Benefits Of Doing Regular Exercise


Health benefits of physical activity

Many people claim that doing exercise to lose weight and strengthen muscles.But according to a report by the World Health Organization, most chronic diseases that affect us in most the adulthood are related to physical inactivity, so the regular exercise acts as a preventive and improves most of these diseases, such as diabetes or arthritis.

Practicing exercise to stay healthy:

There is no doubt that regular exercise helps to keep us more agile and flexible, enhances our figure and our physical appearance.

But in addition, the regular exercise practice provides important benefits to our health:

* Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

* Helps keep muscles in good condition and joints.

* Relieves pain in arthritis, and some doctors also prescribe specific exercises to control pain and improve    mobility in cases of osteoarthritis, low back pain or fibromyalgia.

* Helps to maintain agility and flexibility, which decreases over time.

* Prevents and improves circulatory problems.

Regular exercise, source of comfort:

In addition to the many benefits that regular exercise contributes to our overall health, our well-being and emotional health are benefiting.

Because during extreme exercise our brain releases endorphins, called happy hormones that relieve pain and improve our mood state.

Also, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, exercise increases our quality and hope life.

The ideal is to keep practicing our favorite sport, to ensure regular practice.But it serves also practiced any exercise regularly, according to our preferences: Yoga, Pilates, Tai -Chi, dancing ... also serves brisk walk.

New technologies come to our aid, offering the possibility of exercising at home ,without having to travel or gym monthly fees.

This is the case of the Wii console, the Wii Fit game allows yoga exercise, aerobics and toning with the help of a virtual personal trainer to advise us and guide during the exercises in a personalized way.

Other benefits of physical activity
* The quality of sleep . Exercising can mean a more restful and deep sleep, which promotes concentration on the day, increase your productivity and better mood.

* Contribute to better mental health, reduces stress, anxiety, phobias, fears. It is very functional and support in treating depression, as it is effective as drugs but without side effects.

* Osseous system . In children it can increase bone density in adolescents and strengthens adulthood delayed degeneration. You can prevent osteoporosis.

* Accelerates the immune system temporarily, increasing its capacity and defenses for the body.

* Helps to keep and regulates blood sugar, which not only helps control weight, but to avoid the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

* Maintain your ideal weight, because you can burn calories when you reach a balance of power.

* Aerobic activity such as walking , jogging, swimming , dancing, skiing, cycling , favor the cardiovascular system , reduce blood pressure and improves circulation, which low the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

* Helps in preventing colon cancer, as it accelerates the passage of waste through the intestines. Also to regulate hormone levels , helps prevent breast and prostate cancer.

* It increases the flow of oxygen to the brain,therefore the  learning ability, concentration and memory have a very important point in favor.

To Burn Fat The Best Exercises


Best exercises to burn fat

Anyone who has been proposed to lose weight knows that it is essential to burn fat, but what is the best way to do it? Making sport. It is very important that you should first do a warm up before starting the exercises. So take note and try these exercises to help you to lose  the most stubborn fat and you can get back in shape.

Dance is an excellent cardiovascular exercise, increases our lung capacity, flexibility and strength of muscles. Improves coordination and balance.
Releases toxins and helps to lose weight in a fun way. How many calories burned? ..about 200 calories on average.

Step aerobic

Aerobics is one of the favorite women exercises, but today is quite practiced by men. Because this exercise is very beneficial it acts as a repair and immune factor against almost all risk factors for the health of the current civilization. Buttocks and legs are worked well ,besides the hip. Just 30 minutes of step helps to burn 400 calories.

Skating is a great option for those who want to improve coordination , balance and concentration. When is practiced by movements that involving mainly to the legs, the muscles of the lower box are strengthened, waist , abdomen and buttocks is especially active and imrpov your blood circulation. how you burn on average: 300 calories.

Walk energetically
Walking quickly is one of the most recommended exercises that help burn fat. Walking 30 minutes six days a week is enough as this helps to lose as many calories as when  jogging is done for the same amount of time.

Walking increases your energy levels and allows exercising at a steady walk and consistent pace, burning fat in the process. To obtain a higher intensity exercise , you can add a couple of small weights to your feet and walk uphill. The beneficial of walking are very many among them this, strengthening the heart, boosts metabolism, preserves memory, improves constipation and many more.

Bicycle Driving
Bicycle handle provides excellent health benefits. Pedaling at least half an hour a day,the quadriceps are trained to the full and tone and harden the legs, buttocks, chest, back and calves, allowing our muscles to be active. How burn : 300 to 400 calories on average.

Swimming is an exercise that is beneficial for the whole body since power theendurance, strength and flexibility simultaneously. together strengthens the major muscles.It is very complete sport. How burn 250 calories on average.


Jogging has great benefits especially if we practiced outdoors, I highlight the possibility of detoxify more easily that locked into an enclosure.

This is very beneficial because it allows us to share with our environment,taking excesses of our body, allowing us to detoxify, having a natural perspiration without air conditioners.

As human beings we need to do some sports activities that help us stay dynamic and active. Besides being optimal for health .

Examines all the benefits presented in each sport and come on; running, jogging ,walking, skating  swimming, biking , what do you want? choose the best but do not stay sitting on.

How To Lose The Belly Naturally


How to lose your belly

The methods of how to lose belly or stomach, can be very diverse, with different degrees of difficulty.

Exercise is recommended for reduce stomach and waist. From sit-ups performed in the home to the incredible range of appliances or machines abs that are on the market. The problem with exercise is that it requires a lot of discipline and the motivation should be a constant.

A daily hour of exercise applied directly to the abdomen five times a week is enough to lose the belly in a few months.

Important for the effectiveness of abdominal exercises is pressuring all the abdominal muscles and maintain this pressure throughout the workout section.

An easy exercise
- Placed sitting in a chair with your back straight .

- Place both hands beside the chair, holding it.

- Put a pressure on the abdominal muscles.

- Raise both legs until be horizontal to the ground, that is, until your knees are no longer bent.

- Exert more pressure on the stomach.

- Hold this position for about three seconds .

- Replace the legs once again in normal position.

- Repeat for five minutes.

- Rest 30 seconds.

- Repeat for five minutes more.

Thermogenics are supplements that produce an increase in body temperature and using calories as fuel. Thermogenic products consist of products that perform a metabolic acceleration. Examples of natural thermogenic:

Caffeine and green tea.
Not everyone can use thermogenics, especially contraindicated for people with diabetes and heart problems.
Thermogenics can be achieved in specialized stores that selling sports products.

Diets-tips for belly fat

A diet specially designed for the particular individual can help a lot in the way of how to lose belly.

* Select healthy foods that are free of harmful fat is essential.

* Discard fried foods and colas or sodas.

* Always use extra virgin olive oil.

* Avoid processed foods.

* Avoid artificial sweeteners or diet  like Splenda. Instead use brown sugar or    granulated sugar.

* Fruits and vegetables steamed or raw, you want.

* With meals do not drink soda. Half a glass with water is recommended.

* Natural flake or chili powder is a natural thermogenic that will help you burn       fat. Add it to your meals, always with moderation.

Other important tips tolose belly fat
* Reduce the portions of food at least half. Use a small plate dishes. If you used to eat four slices of bread with meals, now only eat two. If two eggs areprepared in your breakfast, now should prepare only one.

* Remove all tdaintyt between meals. Only water.

* Drink two glasses of water half an hour before meals.The fullness sensation        will decrease appetite.

* Make six small meals a day in your small plate.

* Prefer white meat .

* Prepare meats grilled, steamed, grilled or baked. Never fried meats.

* Do not use mayonnaise, butter or margarine to prepare dressings. Use    evaporated milk thickened with half a teaspoon of flour.

* Do not eat sausages.

Anabolic Consumption And Its Effects On Health


Anabolic side effects

Anabolics are of hormonal origin, in World War II were used for recovery from physical exhaustion, burns, wounds and surgical interventions. They were also provided to the survivors of German concentration camps.

It was from the 50s the non-therapeutic use and began when bodybuilders or weightlifters used them to strengthen their muscles. It was from that decade when spread among athletes in other specialties.

At present thier use is prohibited and competitors that use them are punished. Anabolic steroids are drugs that have the ability to mimic the effects of the natural male hormone call hormone testosterone and the most common symptom of its use is the increase of body volume.

The testosterone generated through anabolic steroids can cause effects such as atrophy of the heart, resulting in death from heart attack, so is contraindicated in people with heart problems.

 If you increase 20 times testosterone levels in the blood can cause irreparable damage to the endocrine system. You can stop producing the sperm and testicular atrophy body. The liver is one of the most affected organs.

Increased blood pressure

Often  the anabolics use involves an increase in blood pressure. Anabolic steroids facilitate water retention which affects blood pressure.Proper administration of anabolic and control of blood pressure levels are required.

Effects of anabolic steroids
The main adverse effects of anabolic steroid use include:

*Liver tumors.

* Jaundice that is a yellowing of the skin, tissues and body fluids.

* Fluid retention and hypertension.

* Acne.

* Trembling.

Other adverse effects:
* For men : reducing the size of the testicles, reduced sperm count , infertility, and tendency to baldness.

* For women: changes in or cessation of the menstrual cycle, facial hair growth , increase the size of the clitoris and voice change.

* For teenagers: growth halted prematurely because premature skeletal maturation and accelerated puberty changes.

Regarding the psychiatric point of view, there are changes in mood, depression and invincibility feelings.

There are fitness trainers who defend the use of these substances, saying that after years of use there are people who have not experienced any side effects and enjoy of their own energy similar to people much younger.

Opinions of this type can be heard on people who move in the fitness room. Naturally, one thing is take moderately and other abuse, but you know that bythe use comes the abuse.

Close The Door To The Flu And Be Healthy


Home remedies for flu

How is it going in these cold days? Although in this area tends to dominate more the sunny days, we do not get rid of the winter.

I throw some questions.Do we care both outside and inside?
Numerous treatments and beauty products but is true the phrase: Are we what we eat?

Do we pay enough attention to the drinks and food we eat ?

I confess: It is true that I would love to have more free time to be able to practice some kind of sport. But what I do pretty case is to drink plenty of water, is essential for our body. I try eating a balanced diet including cereal in my daily diet, no fatty meats, fish, vegetables and fruit.

But I confess that I let several whims!!

Tips for this season in which the number of colds and flu affected increases, is include in our diet, foods that containing Vitamin " C".

Trying to live a life less sedentary as possible is important, staying active, be happy,although sometimes the circumstances are complicated, but try to address the problems in the best way possible.

Folk remedies to fight the flu

Remedy 1 : Mix two drops of essential eucalyptus, two of pine and two of rosemary oil with two tablespoons of almonds. Then do chest friction .

Remedy 2 : Prepare a tea with willow bark. Take hot several times a day .

Remedy 3
: Cook over low heat, two glasses of lemon juice and six tablespoons of honey for an hour and a half. Once prepared, drink two tablespoons of this syrup every hour the first day and every three hours on the second day to cure the flu.

Remedy 4 : Perform vapors with boiling water and eucalyptus leaves covering the head with a towel.

Remedy 5: Preparing  a smoothie with 200 grams orange ( seedless ) and 200 grams of cabbage, add a glass of boiled water. Drink three glasses a day.

Drink plenty of fluids. If you have fever, you need to drink fluids to avoid dehydration. In addition, liquids like soups, juices of fruits and vegetables especially lemon, beet and carrot with vitamins and minerals, can provide the necessary nutrients when we are too sick to eat.

Avoid kissing . Kissing is one of the fastest ways to spread the flu even merely sleeping in the same room can cause problems. Therefore, if possible, is recommended to leave the patient alone in a room while he is restored from disease.

Keep the air moist. It is advisable to raise the humidity in bedroom, using a humidifier to reduce the discomfort of cough, sore throat or stuffy nose.

Eat little and wisely. Once it is passed the worst of the flu and where you take only liquids, it is necessary to begin supplying soft foods and rich in starch. Some  rich examples of these foods are applesauce, cottage cheese, cooked white rice, rice pudding, cooked cereal and baked potato which can be decorated with yoghurt.

Doing Natural Remedies For Varicose Veins


Varicose veins natural cure

To do these home remedies for varicose veins, you will need a variety of natural ingredients that are very easy to get. The important thing is that you use them daily and with much perseverance to be truly effective.

Remedies for varicose veins
1. Place in a container, preferably glass, a cup of boiling water. Add grated ginger root, if is fresh will be much better. This remedy is really good to use as a tea , and you must take it every day.

2 . Place two tablespoons of horsetail in a cup of freshly boiled water and let stand. Like the above, you must take it every day, only a cup. The drink should be cold.

3 . Mix in a glass container:  aloe, grated carrot and a little apple cider vinegar until obtain a paste that you will use as a mask. Apply compresses on the leg and let stand about 15 minutes or longer, if possible.

In the event the above preparation is not result homogeneous on the first try, you can use a food processor or blender to make it a well smooth mask and easy to apply. The amount of vinegar can be generous amount depending on the mask which is to be prepared. Of course, should keep with a creamy consistency.

Treatment to supplement home remedies for varicose veins

In addition to the above remedies, there are some recommendations that you should consider if you want to eradicate this problem permanently. Do not let everything depend only on a remedy or a cream, varicose veins should be treated holistically and with a series of habits that complement the effect of the infusions and masks.

A good recommendation that will be good for overall health and legs in particular is that you should exercise daily or at least 3 times a week. Choose an activity that is soft to not affect or aggravate the problem, eg swimming or outdoors walking, etc.

It is also necessary that you follow a good diet plan that will help improve blood circulation and prevent the occurrence of problems such as high cholesterol or triglycerides.

Finally, using loose clothing and try to eliminate the habit of crossing your legs when sitting . This is essential to solve this problem.

What You Do Not Know About Food Industry


Dangers of processed foods and health (continuation)

This increases your insulin and leptin levels and contributes to insulin resistance ,which is the main factor of nearly every chronic disease and conditions known to man, including weight gain.

3 . Breaking the principles of  food combination
Eating foods in certain combinations helps that the digestion process of your body works more efficiently and absorb more nutrients.

According to one study, eat proteins and starches at one time (which is common in processed as pepperoni pizza meals ) inhibits digestion and leads to putrefaction of your food and your blood acidic conditions.

4 . Encourage your inner ecosystem imbalance
Microorganisms that live in your digestive tracts are an important internal ecosystem that influence in many aspects in your health.

Processed foods disrupt this system, suppressing the beneficial microflora and leading to digestive problems, cravings and diseases. Beneficial organisms in your flora rejoice with whole and unprocessed food.

5 . They are harmful to your frame of mind and brain
Mood swings, memory problems and even depression are often results of a diet heavy in processed food. In fact , most concentration of serotonin, which is involved in mood control , depression and aggression , is found in your intestines , not your brain.

This is the general result of consuming different processed sugars, which make mood a kind of rollercoaster.

6. Encourage eating too fast
Processed foods are quick and easy, which makes them perfect to eat while in a hurry. But eating so fast, or while doing other things, it can cause you to lose contact with your body's natural signals that warn you when you are full. This obviously makes you eat more and gain weight, and even more doing more difficult the proper digestion.

7. Nutrition labels can be misleading
A processed food may be labeled as " natural" or "sugar-free " , but it does not healthy. For example , a product called "natural " can legally be modified genetically , full of pesticides or made with corn syrup, additives, preservatives and artificial ingredients.

8. Processed meats are linked to cancer
Processed meats are those that are preserved with salt or smoke, or the addition of chemical preservatives.These include bacon, ham, pastrami, salami,pepperoni , sausage and some patties.The nitrates that are added are particularly problematics .

9. Processed foods can increase your risk of infertility and bad nutrition
 Since processed foods are depleted of nutrients, you can be eating a lot of calories but still be bad nourished. And modified genetically  foods are linked to reproductive problems.

10. Processed foods can survive years in a closet, but not a human life.
Thanks to the cocktail of chemicals , preservatives and other food additives processed can survive long time in a closet without breaking down.

Unfortunately, producers invest much time and money on strategies to increase life in pantry and create attractive packaging and very little attention in the nutrient value or how to be harmful to health.

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What You Did Not Know About Food Industry


Food industry analysis

In the modern world it is not easy to decide how or what we eat. Options abound, many brands offer the same product, some are labeled organic and supposedly promise to be more healthy and certainly more expensive.

The foods are often full of additives, preservatives and chemical  that contaminating the consumer health or at least this is what organic food producers say.

Therefore we must look  foods that do not involve modern production methods established in the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and modification genetics in general that do not harm animals and the environment that produced them.

But this same label " organic " is extremely vague, many large companies that invented the food industry full of preservatives and harmful chemicals are now the owners of the organic food brands, that on the other hand sometimes lets the using ingredients also associated with diseases.

In this food maze, for those purists who believe that food additives can take a dent in your health, perhaps the best that we can do is just do not eat processed foods, a radical measure for which justification generates points found that contradict about the true importance of eating fresh foods completely.

A processed food is one that has been altered in any ways, either by convenience for consumption, to keep it for longer or for health issues, such as pasteurized milk.

Food additives to avoid
Donna Gates , author of The Body Ecologic Diet, has compiled a list of 10 points which she says, processed food companies such as McDonald 's, Coca -Cola , Starbucks and all the usual suspects do not want that you know.

We publish here  the list, but also encourage the reader to investigate on your own and do not necessarily subscribe to the radical position about this situation.

One way to do this is to try different foods with discipline and record the effects they have, truly do we feel better when we eat food or organic unprocessed after a certain time ? if it is so, this is the best motivation for restricting our diet.

1. Are addictive and can cause you to eat more . What could also call MSG or monosodium glutamate effect. Process means modifies or removes
important components of the food such as fiber, water and nutrients by changing the way they are digested and assimilated in your body.

Unlike whole raw food, which contains a mixture of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fiber and water to help you feel satisfied, processed foods stimulate the release of dopamine and make you feel good even when food has no nutrients or fiber.
This release of dopamine can lead to overeating and, ultimately, to become addicted to food or sugars.

2 . They are linked to obesity
It's virtually guaranteed that processed food contains additives that are linked to obesity. This includes monosodium glutamate, corn syrup, high fructose, artificial sweeteners and others.
In addition, refined carbohydrates like breakfast cereals, bagels, waffles , pretzels and most other processed foods are quickly converted into sugar.

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Rediscovering Ancient Ayurvedic Massages


Ayurveda treatment

Ayurvedic massage gets its name from the "Ayurveda" . Ayurveda translates from Sanskrit " Science of Life": Ayur = Life, Veda = Science, and uses only natural products and plants.

There are different types of Ayurvedic massage " Abhyanga  or byanga"massage  with base oil all over the body, " Shirodhara " massage that pour a splash of oil on the forehead, or " Kansu " massage the soles of the feet with bowl.

Ayurvedic massage helps to harmonize the three constituent elements of being according to the principles of Ayurveda:

Vata (Air, energy of motion. Nervous and hormonal system), Pitta (Fire, energy transformation. Digestive system and enzymes), Kapha ( earth energy of cohesion. Fluids ).

This massage is a beautiful and effective support in cases of fatigue, insomnia, depression and ankylosis . Ayurvedic massage is individualized and tailored to the patient's constitution and his imbalances.

If the massage is not balanced and is inadequate, may aggravate the "dohas " ( main vital forces of the body ) and cause physical imbalances and emotionals. The main objective of Ayurvedic massage is to restore balance to the body and maintain health and combat physical and mental stress so therefore it takes into account the vital points on the body called marmas.

Ayurvedic massage gives us many benefits: Since generate us positive emotions and relieve us from stress until to act on the circulatory, lymphatic, and nervous energy system. It is also one of the most effective methods to combat aging skin, nourishing and purifying at the cellular level.

Recently the scientists have discovered that Ayurvedic massage reduces the activity of free radicals, one of the triggering factors of cellular aging, cancer and heart disease.

Here are just some of the benefits provided by this technique of massage :

• Comprehensive harmonization of the person.

• Spiritual development

• Improvement of vision, body posture and bone structure.

• Increase resistance to diseases.

• Delay aging.

• Improvement of energy flow.

• Harmonization of the lymphatic system and blood.

• Muscle Flexibility.

• Elimination of toxins

• Improvement of the nervous system.

• Elimination of fatigue.

• Relaxation

Tomato Juice Health Benefitts


Tomato juice benefits

Tomato juice is a beverage that contains the nutrients required by our body. It also has a unique flavor and is refreshing.

Tomato nutritional properties
Among the nutritional value of tomato juice one of the most important is that it contains lycopene, a substance with anti-cancer and the disease preventive properties. The best way to take this drink for that nutrient is preparing the juice with fresh tomatoes.

Another significant element is the nutritional calories that tomato juice provides. Per 180 ml  we drink, we are incorporating 31 calories. In turn, the consumption of saturated and polyunsaturated fats is zero and the total fat is minimum, important data for diets to lose weight.

Tomato juice is an essential source of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A and C, responsible for combating free radicals and the process of cell oxidation . It also contains vitamin K, vitamin B complex, high amounts of iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

To the being rich in fiber helps to reduce the bad cholesterol in the body. But also contain niacin, an important cholesterol regulator . It is highly advisable then drink regularly a tasty glass of juice.

Benefits of drinking tomato Juice

Drink tomato juice provides us with the following benefits:

* Heart: people with heart problems should drink tomato juice frequently. It is also recommended to prevent heart attacks and other heart disorders in healthy people.

* Blood Pressure: tomato juice helps to significantly reduce blood pressure in the body, due to the potassium it contains.

* Skin Care : Another of the benefits of tomato juice is favoring skin care, as we rid of acne, pimples and other types of infections skin.

* It's great to keep the skin clean and moisturized.

* Alcoholism : Drink tomato juice can be very beneficial for people that suffering from alcoholism, because helping to counteract the effects of a hangover.

* Arthritis: because its  high content in vitamin C, consuming fresh tomato juice strong the immune system and the body is more prepared for combating the inflammation of arthritis and pain that accompany this illness.

Walking Barefoot Really Health Beneficial


Multiple benefits of walking barefoot - (continuation)

The most scientists that working in this area now believe that the beneficial effects are mediated through the reduction of inflammation and thinning of the blood.

In fact the effect of blood thinning is so deep that if you are taking medication to thin the blood would be advisable to consult your doctor immediately because probably your medicine will have to be decreased.

Two ways that will guarantee to keep in touch with the earth

The effects of contact with the earth seem so profound that researchers recommended that doctors prescribe sessions with bare feet as the temperature permits.

This is so simple as it sounds; take off your shoes and socks and walk barefoot on the grass, the dust, sand or whatever.

Studies suggest that the benefits such as pain relief and decrease stress may occur in only 30 to 80 minutes of walking barefoot at any time of day.

This obviously could be a problem during the winter or if you live in an urban area without easy access to parks or other surface where you can walk barefoot ,so the other option would be to use pillows earthing or grounding that allowing you to obtain the benefits of electrons from the ground despite being indoors, especially while you are asleep.

I have been using a pillow for months, especially when I have to travel and suspected that the air on planes cause weakening of the bio- electric currents.

So, as the access to regular sun exposure, walking barefoot outside the home is an extremely sloppy practice that can be corrected easily. In the Journal of Environmental and Public Health, the researchers concluded that :

A new evidence shows that the contact with the ground, either inside or outside the home, connecting the earth conductor systems, this could be an effective and simple but  profound strategy against chronic stress, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, inflammation, pain, insomnia, disorders with changes in your heart rate, hyper coagulated blood and many other health problems, including cardiovascular disease.

The research carried out to date supports the notion that the concept of earthing or grounding ( ground contact ) could be an essential element in the health equation  along with the sun, fresh air and water, nutritious food and physical activity.

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Walking Barefoot Is Beneficial For Health


Significant benefits of walking barefoot - (continuation)

What happens when we absorb free electrons from the earth?
The scientific theory behind the health benefits seen by this simple practice is that because the earth has one more negative charge that your body, you end up absorbing electrons.

This well established,although not well known understanding that the surface of the earth has a constant and unlimited supply of free electrons as consequence of a global atmospheric electric circuit.

The shoes with insulating soles and / or sleep in beds that are isolated from the electrical surface of the earth, has caused that many people are disconnected from the electrical rhythms of the earth and the free electrons.

A recent article demonstrated that connect the body to the earth during sleep ( earthing ) normalizes the daily cortisol rhythm and improves sleep. A variety of other benefits were reported, including a decrease in pain and inflammation.

Subsequent studies have confirmed these findings and have documented past clinical and psychological effects almost immediately after your body has had contact with the ground.

For simplicity, it is believed that the flow of free electrons from the surface of the earth help neutralize free radicals and thus reduce chronic inflammation and acute, which is the root of many health conditions and accelerated aging.

The review of research shows significant benefits of Earthing.
In a new article published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health , researchers conducted the research process of Earthing, which revealed an impressive impact on various health conditions.

Most of the studies included methods of internal tests that simulated being barefoot outside. It was found that this help to improve the following conditions:

The researchers wrote that, another invaluable benefit is that when your body touches the ground, the electric potential regulates by the electric potential of the earth through a transfer of electrons going from the earth to your body.

This in turn provides protection against electromagnetic fields that are ubiquitous in the environment.

The study performed by Richard Feynman who won the Nobel Prize for his conference in electromagnetism, confirm that the effect of  protection by the contac of your body with the earth.

Feynman said that when the potential of your body is the same as the electric potential of the earth, it becomes an extension of the giant electrical system of the earth. Then the potential of the earth becomes in the functional agent that reduces and removes  or sets aside the electrical fields of your body.

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Walking Barefoot Is Essential For Health


Benefits of walking barefoot

When was the last time you took off your shoes and enjoy feel the earth beneath your feet?. Maybe it's hard to believe, but commit to this simple pleasure could give to your health the momentum you much-need.

In some cases engage in activities that make you feel good on an intrinsic level is actually good for your health such as feeling the rays of the sun warming your skin.

Another case is walking barefoot outside with the soles of the feet free to touch the ground - it is an activity called Grounding or Earthing.

We are electrical beings
You are an electrical being, and the surface of the earth is electrically conductive.

You are an electrical being, your body regularly produces positive charges that can oxidize or damage it in case of excess.

The land surface is electronically conductive, maintains a negative charge with a free supply of electrons that continuously is loaded by the global atmospheric electric circuit.

It has been established, although is not a widely appreciated fact that the surface of the earth has an unlimited supply and continually renewed of free electrons.

There is much evidence that suggests that the potential of the earth can create a stable internal bioelectrical environment for normal functioning of all body systems.

Moreover, the oscillations of the intensity of the potential of the earth can be very important to establish the biological clock that regulates diurnal body rhythms, such as the secretion of cortisol.

Connection to the earth surface
There is also growing research that shows that this connection to the earth surface plays a vital role in preventing diseases and also offers a variety of benefits, from improved sleep to pain relief .

The problem is, that while humans have historically spent much of their time naked on earth (both walking and sleeping, sheltered by animal skins, which allow them electrons into their bodies ), today this vital connection has been lost.

Through history, humans have walked barefoot or with shoes made of animal skins. Slept on the floor or on the skins.

Through direct contact or through perspiration dampening the skins of animals used for footwear or mats for sleeping, the abundant free electrons from the earth were able to enter into the body, which is electrically conductive.

Electric potential of the earth
Through this mechanism, each part of your body could be balanced by the electric potential of the earth, so stabilizing the electrical environment of all organs, tissues and cells. The modern lifestyle has drastically separate humans from the primary flow of electrons from the earth.

For example, since the 60s, we used the insulating rubber or plastic shoe soles and instead of traditional animal skin; obviously no longer sleep on the floor as we used to do in the past.

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Foods That Help Eliminate Body Ffluids


Detoxify your body

Food is a very important factor in order to alleviate some disorders such as in the case of fluid retention, as there are several foods that can exacerbate this complication.

Some fresh fruits and vegetables will give to the body the ability to reduce toxins in the organism and also help the liver to metabolize fats better.

Increase your metabolism
Among some recommended foods can highlight the artichokes or artichokes, these stimulate liver activity by promoting metabolism, contain high levels of fiber, and fights constipation especially one that is bound by specific cases of cellulitis.

It is important to incorporate to the daily diet fresh fruit, in this case include apples, these reduce the cholesterol and also combat obesity.

Cabbage is a great vegetable that acts as protector of veins and capillaries,combat poor circulation and is detoxifier, it is recommended to consume it raw to maximize its properties.

Other important vegetables include chicory, this cleans the liver and purifies the blood, and functions as a potent antioxidant for the body.

And spinach is a good source of fiber, this generates satiety, helps blood circulation and prevents undesirable cellulite. It should be noted as positive consumption of Green Tea, invigorates and stimulates the production of adrenaline, and limits the absorption of calories.

Among other important food is the Parsley,very recommended, this is one of the best blood purifying.
The Parsley is very good when it is consumed raw, minced in meats and salads, as it promotes blood circulation and its high content of vitamin C acts as a very good antioxidant and as a detoxifier.
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