Resveratrol In Red Wine For Cancer And Anti Aging


Resveratrol In Red Wine

Red wine also contains large amounts of anthocyanins (281 mg . Per liter ) , proanthocyanidins (171 mg . Per liter ) , flavonols (98 mg . Per liter ) and acid Phenol (375 mg . per liter ). The resveratrol content is much lower (3 mg . Liter).

In 1996, resveratrol was identified as the first foodborne molecule capable of interfering with the cancer development  by acting in both the initiation and promotion and progression of tumors.

Several studies have demonstrated the efficacy in prevention of breast, colon and esophagus cancer.

After  intestine absorption, resveratrol is metabolized in several substances, one of which is the piceatannol which has proven useful in inducing death of leukemia cells , melanoma and bladder cancer.

One of the flavonoids present in red wine ( myricetin ) contributes to the chemopreventive red wine effects through the inhibition of COX -2 ( that promotes inflammation and cancer ) and blockade of NF- kappaB that is one of the main inflammation  producers released by cancer cells.

Red wine anti aging
The obtained red wine resveratrol has recently been linked to the protein activation family called sirtuins whose action would prolong the cells  life to provide the time needed to repairs damaged DNA during the aging process.

When resveratrol is incorporated into a fungi cell cultivation  life of this is increased which normally is 19 generations until 38 generations ( up 80 % ) increases. If resveratrol is added to the diet of a fruit fly, the life expectancy increases by 29 percent.

Although moderate red wine consumption ( one glass per day) produces protective effects against cardiovascular diseases and cancer, the alcohol abuse is one of the factors that can lead the cancer development .


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