Natural Rest For Your Eyes And Ears


Natural Rest For Health

The tension increases as the day progresses until it reaches its peak during the late hours of the afternoon. If this point is reached, day after day, week after week , the results could become unbearable.

But if you take a short break at noon with a quick nap before lunch, low the tension and wakes up for work in the afternoon with a very relaxed nerves.

The same rule applies to young mothers that did want children; they are housewives and maintain an active social life.

My advice is that these mothers take 77 naps with their  children, because this will greatly reduce stresses  and strains.

To protect the eyes, watch the light that come over your shoulder while reading or working ,and not directly in your eyes. Make sure you have enough light . Do not try to read in poorly lit rooms.

The fluorescent light damages eyes because twinkle as 60 times per second. Insofar possible use natural light for reading and working. If you have to spend many hours reading give your eyes a rest occasionally looking out the window,closing them or doing some exercise with them.

Common hearing levels
Several forms of noise present in our modern era is one of the great rest´s enemies. The sound acts as an constant irritant  throughout the  body nervous system ,either by we are sleeping at night or during the day as we are awake. Eighty decibels represent the level that prolonged or continuous noise can cause hearing loss.

Normal conversation 60db.
Rush hour traffic ;TV  80db.
Homemade Blender 90db.
Metro 100db.
Airport 120db.
Shotgun 140dB.

It has been shown that the noise level increases the stress in those that are constantly exposed to it . Those who work 20 years or ore closer to noisy equipment have five less years of life than those working in quieter areas in the same company. The TV almost consistently or the extreme use of this raises the stress hormones in the blood regardless of theprogramming.


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