Resveratrol In Red Wine For Cancer


Resveratrol In Red Wine

It is very rich in polyphenols, being the best known resveratrol obtained during the grape fermentation. As found mainly in seeds and skin, the white wine content is much lower. The content in resveratrol is very low in grape juice and raisins.

Moderate red wine consumption (250 ml. daily ) has been associated with a decrease in mortality, not only for cardiovascular disease but reduces mortality from any cause by 25 percent.

On the one hand , moderate red wine consumption produces elevation in blood HDL cholesterol ("good cholesterol" ) that acts as protection against cardiovascular disease and on the other hand reduces the formation of blood clots by inhibiting platelet aggregation. In contrast, high alcohol consumption increases cancer developing risk.

In a study conducted in Denmark, it was observed that moderate red wine consumption reduces by 40 % the risk of death from cardiovascular disease and 22 % the risk of dying from cancer.

A recent study showed that drinking daily glass of wine reduces by 40 % prostate cancer's developing risk . Other types' alcohol consumption such as beer or spirits did not produce these protective effects.

In a study in which cardiovascular mortality with wine consumption is associated , it was observed that mortality was much lower in countries that the consumption of red wine was greater like France and Italy (75 liters of wine per year), whereas it was very high in countries with low consumption such as USA , Finland , England, etc. (8-10 liters per year).

Resveratrol is produced on the vine as a defense mechanism against attacks by climatic factors or environmental microorganisms such as fungi.There are very few sources of resveratrol in the diet different to red wine. In nature resveratrol is found in the roots of a fake Japanese bamboo, and the roots of a Chinese plant ( Veratrum ).


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