Omega-3 Oils All Are Not Equal-2


Omega Oils

The EPA and DHA,from fish are omega fatty acids associated with mental development, improving mood, reducing hypertension among others. On the other hand , ALA, from flaxseed and other botanical sources, functions as an anti inflammatory and anti -oxidant element, which means that fights free radicals, slows the aging process and protects the body from cancer and heartproblems.

What this means is that it is very important to get our daily omega-3 ration from different and varied sources . Necessary to obtain the Omega-3 both the sources of flaxseed as fish.

The Prisma Omega-3: the best omega 3,6,and 9 oil
Beyond the prominent Omega-3 fatty acids , there are also Omega -6 and Omega -9 acids. Again , not all Omegas are the same,and  6s and 9s  provide different health benefits. For example, omega-6 containing GLA which is beneficial for cardiovascular health and nervous system, as for the skin elasticity.

GLA improves metabolic processes and general blood circulation. Omega -9 , on the other hand , contain oleic acid, which lowers the risk of heart disease, repairs cell damage improves neurological health, and improves the skin texture.

Given the varied perspective of Omega -3's 6s and 9s, it is important that our sources of fatty acids be varied, and so we made sure to enjoy all the benefits of these essential fatty acids. Since the body can not produce these fatty acids by itself , it is imperative to obtain  from  external sources in our daily diet to maintain and improve our health .

An easy way to make sure about the required daily dose of Omega -3 fatty acids is a good use of dietary supplement such as Omega -3 OmegaZin which contains a mixture of fatty acids Omega 3, 6 and 9 both from botanical sources as fish, and in appropriate quantity and appropriate synergies.


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