Best Sleeping Position For Better Rest-1


Sleeping Position

Best Sleeping Position,this is the theme for this article that we will talking about the different positions  to rest in good conditions since this activity is a fundamental key for living healthy and at the same time is part of our lives.

Case 1 . If you sleep on your back :
The pillow must be relatively thin . If it is excessively thick , the neck will be excessively flexed forward, but the absence of pillow cause just the opposite ,hyperextension of the neck. Both positions , prolonged over time can develop into cervical contractures.

The goal that arises, therefore , is to make the pillow ensure that the angle formed between the cervical spine and spinal column , is the same when the individual is standing and lying .

* Many experts agree that this is the best sleeping position . Lie upward allowing to stand the entire column on the mattress and head well supported in the pillow is ideal for proper rest. For people who tend to sleep in this position , it is advisable to place a small pillow under knees so that they are slightly bent. This position allows the whole lumbar completely rests on the mattress , while avoiding contractures risk due to relaxation which occurs .

* Regarding the pillow should be comfortable , it should not be very high, so avoid having cervical contractures having neck excessively  flexed forward. Furthermore sleep without a pillow cause neck tension overnight.

* In conclusion  the proper height will be that, which allows the cervical spine form the same angle as when you stand upright.

Case 2 . If you sleep on your side :

The perfect pillow should be thick as it is advisable to keep the neck on the shaft which marks the dorsal column, so it does not drop or rotate.

The side positions , with the legs and hips flexed and neck into the shaft of the rest of the column, is also known as the fetal position and is the most recommended for people with lumbar pain.It is a neutral spine position for preventing weight-bearing on this. If the side you choose is right, it should flex the hip and left knee, independently of the other knee keeps or straight and turn your shoulders.

* Then we should adapt the pillow to neck adopting a similar curvature to that way when we are standing, the ideal height is the second distance  from the neck to the shoulder , keeping the neck relaxed  but aligned with the spine .


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