Omega-3 Oils All Are Not Equal-1


Omega Oils

Omega-3 oils is a term commonly used in conversations and debates about health today. We constantly see in the media, and based on leading scientific research ,the great importance of include Omega -3 in our daily diet.

From improving our system cardiovascular to relieve skin problems, omega fatty acids help the body both inside and out. However, did you know that not all Omega-3s are equal?

Best Omega 3 Oil - Different fatty acids

It is necessary evaluate properly the omega -3 source consumed. There are basically 3 types of Omega -3 fatty acids.

1- EPA, also known as Eicosapentaenoic Acid

2- ALA, known as Alpha Linolenic Acid

3- DHA, also called Docosahexaenoic Acid

Each one of these three types of Omega -3 fatty acids is obsorbed by body in different form and in unique way.

These fatty acids are from a variety of food and other supplements . For example , ALA is derived from flaxseed and dark green leafy vegetables . DHA and EPA , on the other hand , are mainly found in cold water fish like salmon, tuna , herring and mackerel.

The Omega -3 from plant sources do not contain fatty acids EPA, so it is important to make sure we eat Omega -3 with a wide variety of sources.

Flaxseed vs . Fish : Omega -3 the difference

The flaxseed and fatty cold water fish are generally cited as the most important sources of Omega -3 acids . However, the health benefits of these two sources differ significantly.

Flaxseed has six times more Omega -3 fish oils , where 55% is ALA . ALA is converted by body into EPA and DHA , however, the body does not do a very good conversion  job as might expect.

In fact, only converts 10% of ALA to EPA and DHA digested. This is significant, since the health benefits between ALA and other oils are very different.


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