Knowing Diabetes Eyes And Feet-2


Diabetes, Eyes And Feet

Diabetes early detection  is the key to fighting all these situations, and the best diagnostic tool is checking the eyes wide.

This can be a test by which special eye drops temporarily enlarge the pupils, enabling the doctor to see inside your eyes. This visit ( painless ) can detect cataracts, glaucoma or diabetic  retinopathy in its early stages, where it is still treatable.

The medical view is valuable, so when you have diabetes do yourself a favor to yourself and make an appointment and ask for a dilated  eyes review. And we can repeat it every year from now on .

Diabetics have another problem : Have to take special care of their  toes , they should be able to discover problems in two ways : If the blood circulation is down or damage in the nerves.

This is what you are looking for and we will give you a few ideas for prevention.

Symptoms :
If your feet are constantly cold , your legs hurt every time you stroll , or in  toes is a wound produced on the bed at night, you can be affected by poor blood circulation. This, in turn, can slow healing cuts or different sores on your feet. In the case of fingers are numb and if you have a burning sensation in the soles of the feet and needles feeling in toes, which could be signs of possible nerve damage.

Foot nerves are the longest of our body and therefore tend to be destroyed by diabetes. If these nerves are broken, the sensitivity is reduced, and if we would have cuts or blisters that can lead to ulcers, and not even know.

Staying physically dynamic is a method to help improve circulation. You also need to control blood fat, blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

And of course , do not smoke . Check your feet several times to ensure that no damage indicators. If you start to develop calluses, seek a podiatrist immediately . Wash and dry with rigor between the fingers, and keep nails short and smooth.

Everyone likes to get pampered feet, but for diabetics that's not just to feel good, but also avoids serious welfare problems in the future.


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