Cruciferous Veggies The Best Cancer Fighting Foods


Cruciferous Veggies And Cancer

Epidemiological studies provide evidence that cruciferous veggies  consumption protects against cancer more effectively than the total consumption of fruits and vegetables. Over 70% of the isocyanates present in cruciferous veggies are eliminated in the urine in the first 12 hours after ingestion.

In a study that analyzed 252 cases of bladder cancer developed in a population of 47,909 health professionals over a period of 10 years, found that individuals who consumed 5 or more services cruciferous veggies (particularly broccoli and cabbage ) each week, had a risk of cancer development  that was half that individuals who ate one or fewer services each week. The same effect was observed in women with breast cancer.

Cruciferous vegetables against cancer
The consumption of these vegetables was also associated with lower risk of developing other cancers such as lung , colon, rectum, prostate and stomach. In a study it was observed that the three or more consumption of cruciferous veggies services each week was more effective than the tomato to prevent the prostate cancer occurrence.

In addition, consumption of three or four portions of broccoli is enough to protect individuals against the development of colon polyps, which are important precursors to colon cancer.

These foods can be stored in the refrigerator up to 7 days without alter their glucosinolate content . If boiled in plenty of water , 56% of the glucosinolates is lost in the first 2 minutes ,whereas if you boil 8 to 12 minutes, the glucosinolate content falls 70%. However if cooked steamed at low power or fried,glucosinolate content is not altered.

Healthy veggies to eat

Similarly, when steamed , the content of beta - carotene , alpha - gamma- tocopherol content compared with fresh broccoli increases.

During the frit process , vitamin C and phenolic derivatives from broccoli, are affected much more than the glucosinolate and minerals unless it is done with extra virgin olive oil in which case the vitamin C content is not altered. Glucosinolate conservation is independent of the type of oil used at fry them.

The freezing process also greatly reduces the content of glucosinolates in cruciferous vegetables.


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