Knowing More About Cruciferous Veggies And Cancer


Cruciferous Veggies And Cancer

This group is made up by broccoli, Brussels sprouts, red and white cabbage and red cabbage and cabbagehead.

Containing selenium , vitamin C and glucosilonatos that when are hydrolyzed in the colon by the microbial flora produce a series of products : isothiocyanates, indole carbinol sulforaphanes possessing chemo-preventive properties that are associated with inhibition of carcinogens.

The glucosinolate content in Brussels sprouts ( 237 mg/100 g ) is four times higher than the content in broccoli (62 mg/100 g ) , white or red ( 65 mg / g ) cabbage six times higher than the cauliflower content (43 mg /g ).

Conversely, the content  in sulforaphanes is much higher in broccoli than other crucifer . It has been observed that the consumption of these vegetables in experimental animals inhibits the action of carcinogens produced by the use of snuff as methyl - nitrosamine butanone and heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Cruciferous veggies against cancer
The sulforaphanes are responsible for the protective effect (detoxification ) that have cruciferous vegetables against carcinogens. the sulforaphanes also have direct effects against cancer cells through their destruction or inducing apoptosis (induced suicide). These effects have seen observed in colon cells, prostate and acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Other studies have shown dramatic results in animal models of lung cancer and oesophageal cancer . The sulforaphanes also possess bactericidal properties against Helicobacter pylori as demonstrated recently in one of the causes in the stomach cancer development.

Healthy veggies to eat
The sulforaphanes isothiocyanates with more potential anticancer, and by extension, broccoli is one of the most important in the cancer prevention through diet.

Also there is evidence that cruciferous vegetables have an important role in protection against breast cancer , bladder , colon , prostate, pancreas and testis. Act slowing tumor growth and causing apoptosis ( suicide induced by the cancer cells ).


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