Cancer And Lycopene Benefits


Lycopene Benefits For Cancer

It is a powerful antioxidant in the carotenoid family that is found in high concentrations in tomatoes, which give the red color, and derivatives products. Also found in grapefruits and melons. The antioxidant activities are to protect DNA, proteins and cell membranes from oxidative damage.

Other possible mechanisms include effects on communications between cells, and immune functions in the metabolism of carcinogenic substances.

As it is not an essential nutrient, there are no recommendations about the amount of daily consumption although is suggested consumption of 5 measures a week as part of a healthy diet.

In experimental studies it has been observed that the lycopene reduces growth of prostate cancer cells . Another study showed similar effects when was associated vitamin E( alpha - tocopherol)  to  lycopene. Recently it has been observed that the lycopene decreases the cell expressing IGF and that could be the mechanism that lycopene produces apoptosis in cancer cells (induced suicide ) .

In " live online " study, the association of tomato and broccoli was more effective in reducing tumor growth than eating them separately.

Tomato and lycopene benefits
A literature review analyzed 72 published articles and found that 57 showed a decrease in cancer developing risk of any kind when consumed much tomato.

Analyzing only studies related to prostate, we observed that six studies showed that a high consumption of tomatoes or lycopene was associated with a decrease between 30 and 40% of cancer prostate risk, three studies showed a similar reduction in risk but not statistically significant and in 7 studies no relationship was observed.

In a prospective study (Health Professionals Follow -up Study) for 12 years with over 47,000 men was observed that a high intake of lycopene was associated with a statistically significant reduction in the risk of developing prostate cancer by 16 % , while the high consumption of ketchup was associated with a reduction of 23 %.

These data suggest that tomato cooking disrupt cell membranes followed by lycopene release that exists inside producing a greater effect . Olive oil facilitates absorption by the body.


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