Cancer Types And Lycopene Benefits


Lycopene Benefits For Cancer

Clinical evidence : Three clinical trials were conducted to try demonstrate the effect of ketchup in serum PSA levels in patients with prostate cancer scheduled for radical  surgery at 3 weeks, showing that the PSA was reduced from 17.5 % to 20 % in the 3 studies , while it increased in the control group.

In a study meta- analysis has shown that the relative risk of prostate cancer was 0.89 in men consuming large amount of crude tomato while relative risk was reduced to 0.81 in those who consumed cooked tomato products, salsa type or paste.

Currently are underway two sponsored studies by the National Institute of Health in the United States that examine the effects of lycopene supplementation on prostate.

One study examines whether lycopene changes the expression patterns of genes in prostate biopsies and the other examines whether lycopene affects cell proliferation, the levels of male hormones in the blood and the evolution of men with high grade PIN ( premalignant lesion of prostate cancer).

Other  Lycopene benefits
Lycopene has been used in the treatment and prevention of :

* Aging

* Cataracts

* Asthma

* Heart disease

* Hypertension

* Arteriosclerosis

* Pancreas cancer

* Bladder Cancer

* Lung Cancer

* Colon Cancer

* Ovarian Cancer

* Prostate cancer

* Breast cancer

* Infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes most cases of cervical cancer

Given that lycopene stands out as an effective antioxidant , is in fact a nutrient or  perfect substance in preventing aging, especially celular.For this reason is therefore not only helps prevent cellular aging; a good idea is that you can have in your pantry many tomatoes.


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