Red Fruits For Cancer


Fighting Cancer With Red Fruits

Red fruits like strawberries , blackberries , raspberries , blueberries contain phytochemicals with biological properties such as antioxidant , anti - cancer , anti -inflammatory and anti - neurodegenerative

Contain various oncentrations of phenols such as :

ellagic acid, anthocyanidins , flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, etc., which have been shown to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, colon, stomach and prostate.


Fruits for cancer
Cranberries polyphenols have a high anti-inflammatory effect and inhibiting the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 ( COX-2) enzyme linked to the occurrence of various cancers.

Cranberries are a fruit with higher content of quercetin that is one of flavonoids most extensively studied for their anti-cancer activity, including cancer of the breast, colon , pancreas and leukemia.

Their action mechanisms  include among others , the production of apoptosis in cancer cells  and inhibition of receptor epidermal growth factor (EGF ).

The berries contain ellagic acid that is a polyphenol found in large quantities in raspberries, strawberries, walnuts and hazelnuts. 95% of ellagic acid of the cutter is located in the pulp, whereas in the berries, 90% was found in seeds . In mice exposed to carcinogens, it has been shown that ellagic acid reduces tumors growth.

The action mechanism is through the process inhibition of new blood vessel formation ( anti- angiogenesis). Also  Ellagic acid helps to eliminate toxic substances in the body. In studies with laboratory animals found that if 5% of the diet was based on strawberries and blackberries,was reduced significantly the occurrence of esophageal tumors produced by a potent  carcinogen called NMBA.

Ellagic acid is a potent growth factor inhibitor, platelet-derived and vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) which means that it prevents the growth of blood vessels ( anti- angiogenesis).

Blueberries , cinnamon and cocoa ( black chocolate ) contain proanthocyanidins that promote apoptosis of cancer cells.Several studies have shown that the proanthocyanidins inhibit the growth of colon cancer cell crops, lung and leukemia . Proanthocyanidins present in grape seed inhibit lung metastases for aggressive breast cancer in mice.

The apple and cranberry skin contain ursolic acid that has also been shown inhibit the growth of several tumors to induce apoptosis. Ursolic acid also prevents tumor invasion and metastasis.
Cherries contain glucárido acid that is a body detoxifier and facilitates the xenoestrogens removal found in chemicals substances in the environment.


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