Best Sleeping Position For Better Rest-2


Sleeping Positions

* When sleeping on your side can prevent or lessen respiratory difficulties that could arise in another position . The reason is because the neck does not support any pressure and therefore breathing becomes not uncomfortable, ie not forcing vertebrae to stay in an unnatural and painful position .

 Normally , this position requires that the pillow is somewhat higher than in the case of sleep upwards. If your pillow is much higher or much lower, we have the risk of developing cervical contractures or injury.

Case 3 . If you sleep on your stomach :
Although only a minority of the population sleeps in this position is the least recommended. With this posture , the spine is forced into a position contrary to its natural form.

The neck and the cervical collar are forced further. first would be better to change this habit by sleeping on your back as it usually modifies the curvature of the lumbar spine and for breathing correctly, you must keep your neck rotated over a long period of time.

If you can not avoid sleeping on your stomach , you should at least try to posture tended to be slightly turned to one side and adapt the shape of the pillow to your head.

* First causes the spine to acquire an unnatural and very unhealthy curve back due to twisting and awkward positions that occur.

In addition to breathe we are forced to turn the neck for too long time, running the risk that may occur contractures or neck injuries, this is due to torsion and excessive tension that support the vertebrae in this position, also may cause choking.

In this case the use of a pillow is strongly discouraged , as well as having turned to one side the neck, is obliged to keep it back.Also if you go to bed after dinner ready, to be on our abdomen, we compress the stomach , and that for those who suffer from reflux is bad.

* It is recommended to get rid of this habit and try to change position gradually to get used to another more appropriate posture, ideally is try to sleep on side.

Case 4 . If you are sure from the best sleeping position :
 Experts advise a pillow with a high degree of flexibility, ie enough spongy to suit  various positions.

The three basic functions of  pillow is to keep the spine straight, relax your neck and prevent muscle strains. Regarding these three premises, in our choice of pillow, other factors also influence such as the shape of the same pillow and  the manufacturing material.


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