The potatos and Glycemic Index Food White-2


Potatoes And Glycemic Index


White potatoes ( which , incidentally, can also find red, yellow , purple , etc. . ) Many health professionals claim that potatoes are bad carbohydrates because they are believed that potatoes have a high glycemic index.

First, the glycemic index is not necessarily the most important factor in the choosing carbohydrate.
The combination of foods are important in how your body processes the carbohydrates and the associated blood sugar and the insulin response you receive.

For example if you combine carbohydrates with a high glycemic index with an extra source of fiber, healthy fats , or even certain proteins , many times the blood sugar and glycemic response will decrease considerably by the way you combine your food.

Well , returning to the point of white potatoes are  really healthy carbohydrates as long as you eat them  in the right way. with all the shell and and please do not ruin frying. Potato chips is the worst thing ever invented for your health, because they are immersed in a scorching bath of trans fats in the deep fryer with hydrogenated oils that are typically used .

Keep in mind that potatoes contain many vitamins and minerals, do not forget to eat the shell and all since you get from it a decent amount of fiber as well.I will share with you one of my favorite recipes for a slender body using potatoes:

The desired amount of baby potatoes ( white potatoes mix , red , yellow and purple )

* 1 red pepper
* 1 green pepper
* 1 yellow pepper
* 1 or 2 onions
* A couple of garlic, minced
* 1 to 2 tablespoons olive oil or coconut oil
* A little salt and pepper to taste ( I like to use sea salt instead of commercial common salt).

Cut the potatoes into small pieces and put them steam until soft . Cut peppers and onions into strips and add the chopped garlic in a pan with olive oil and cook them, then add the steamed potatoes .

Mix everything together and serve. This is a delicious and healthy recipe that goes great with chicken or red meat.


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