The Importance Of Vitamins For Skin Health


How To Keep Skin Healthy

Vitamins are an essential part of health for skin and body. The important role of vitamins has been widely recognized by the cosmetics and skin care.This can be seen in the growing popularity of products containing vitamins.

Good essential vitamins for skin care.

Of the 13 most important vitamins in formulas for skin care are vitamin A, E, C and panthenol.

Vitamin A ( beta carotene )

The body does not produce vitamin A , therefore we must obtain it in our daily diet. Vitamin A increases the activity of enzymes and stimulates  skin cell division of ( regenerating skin ) , improving the skin condition .

Cosmetic products containing Vitamin A improves skin elasticity and regenerate skin prematurely aging , contribute to a more youthful skin with uniform and smooth appearance.

Vitamin A normalizes skin keratinization( cell renewal ) , this is the process that works against dry skin. This makes it very effective to improve conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and acne vulgarities. It also improves collagen production and thus contributes to a firmer skin.

Vitamin E ( tocopherol )
Vitamin E is a key component in the structure of the body´s cellsand and helps to improve the immune system, which prevents cell degeneration. Vitamin E in cosmetic creams increases  skin microcirculation ( blood flowed ) ensuring a better supply of tissue improving elasticity of the skin and reducing wrinkles .

The external application of vitamin E help inhibit inflammation and heal the scars. These anti -inflammatory properties help the skin in its natural regenerative process .It is especially useful to reduce scarring after surgery or in cases of acne. This also provides a natural protection against ultraviolet rays and its negative effects.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
This vitamin plays an important role in collagen sintiizaciĆ³n process improves the skin elasticity. External applications of vitamin C will help refine the texture of skin , reducing pigmentation points and significantly improve skin tone . It stimulates collagen production helping to foot firmness .

Vitamin C
: Is water soluble and has a limited ability to penetrate the skin. It is also recommended that this vitamin is obtained in a formulation that containing a system for transfer to the skin such as liposomes.


It belongs to the group of vitamin B. In the skin is converted to acid panthenoicc, which is part of each cell and is essential for cellular metabolism. It helps the body use other vitamins and improves the body's resistance to stress.

Creams that containing panthenol help provide calm and heal the skin in case of damage . Panthenol keratizaciĆ³n helps accelerate the dermis and increase the moisture level in the skin leaving the skin feeling soft and elastic.

This is very important when skin  resurfaces after exfoliators treatment or laser. It also enhances cell regeneration and has anti -inflammatory properties. Creams for hands and nails with panthenol help strengthen them and feed them.


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