The Hidden Business Of Food-2


Business Of  Food

Some people when I tell them this, they ask me: then, what do I will give to my children?  This would be the answer to this concern : You can give them different natural  foods rich in calcium such as the following:

 List of natural  foods rich in calcium

* Sesame Seeds

* Chia Seeds

* Plants with Dark Green Leaves

* Linseed

* Quinoa

* Residual molasses

* Oranges

* Beans

* Broccoli

* Dried Fruit and Nuts

* Dehydrated herbs

It is recommended too, coconut milk , almonds. As regards calcium, we know that the number one source is Coca leaf , which also have more calcium than any other product , also has lots of iron, phosphorus and a number of nutrients that make it essential to consumption. We also have sesame, which also has high levels of calcium and leafy greens.

Business food
The negotiated price of food is such that they sell chocolates, which have nothing cocoa , and instead contain vegetable fats hydrogenated and other substances that damage our bodies , not to mention the sweets , candies, chocolates , which are a danger to our health and children, in addition to possessing chemicals, contains sugar that damages the teeth , stomach , kidneys, is one of the causes of Alzheimer's,accelerates our children even know that people who consume sugar and have cancer, would be feeding the cancer cells.

It should be mentioned that a friend told me that his father worked in sugar factory, where to refine the sugar, they threw a large quantity of chemicals in quite poor condition , what motivated his father died of pulmonary fibrosis. All this I tell ,with the aim of controlling a little what will eating , not being influenced by what the ads say, and thus have a good health .

Remember that our bodies not only eats what you eat by mouth but also what assimilated through the skin , being the use of some danger deodorants ,because they contain chemical antiperspirants. The body eliminates toxins through sweat that discard through the skin and unable to do so by using this product, accumulates around the tissues where it was applied, being one of the causes of breast cancer.

If you would like more information I invite you to read the books mentioned above, which will give a greater scope of what I say , and contain recipesalternatives for good nutrition.


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