Let's Talk About Bad Effects Of Sugar


Bad Effects Of Sugar

Sugar is a carbohydrate found in various forms in all living organisms. Sugar is in its natural form, as found in sugar cane or sugar beets, is a combination oflarge fiber amount, and contain iron, potassium, calcium, vitamin B, etc. These nutrients are needed to digest the cane or beet sugar.

However white sugar acquired today has been deprived almost 100% of these nutrients. White sugar is so pure and refined that basically does not have other things to " basic calories."

The pure and concentrated sugar is a drug, contrary to anything that is produced in nature and is very harmful for your body.

How bad is sugar for you
According to Dr. John Yudkin , Ph. D., nutrition professor at the University of London, " if only a fraction of what is known about the effects of sugar was revealed, compared to any other food additive, the product would be immediately banned ".

Sugar breaks the balance calcium - phosphorus and disrupts this important phase of your whole body's metabolism.

Because refined sugar, it has been stolen its B vitamins that are necessary for body assimilation, attaches to them whenever it find them ( vitamins in your digestive tract).  The result? nervousness, skin problems , digestive problems and a series of later disorders that can lead to more serious problems with increasing sugar consumption; all this lowers the body's resistance to disease.

To be healthy we must have a strong immune system . Sugar weakens our immune system rather than strengthen it. We have white blood cells in our blood ,also called warrior cells that attack and destroy bacteria. When we consume refined sugar, our  white blood become sluggish, resulting in that they are not able to destroy many bacteria.

In healthy body that does not consume refined sugar a white blood cell can destroy 14 bacteria. If a person consumes 12 sugar teaspoons (12 oz of one coca- cola bottle contains 10 teaspoons), one of those white blood cells will destroy only 5.5 bacteria. If consumed 24 sugar teaspoons ( an icecream "banana split" is 25 tablespoons) , one of  this white blood cells only will destroy 1 bacteria.


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