Fig Nutritional Value And Properties-2


Fig Nutritional Properties

Regarding vitamins, fig contains small amounts of provitamin A and vitamin C , B1 , B2 and niacin . The figs should not be consumed until they have reached the peak of ripeness, because the green contain a sap or latex,a milky white liquid that can cause irritation or skin rashes.

The dried figs is the product of fresh fig drying . At significantly reduced water content  is obtained a product with a long conservation period.

In the market appears crushed, flexible with gray violet or brown color, with a yellowish , viscous pulp.

After the drying process or dehydration, the water content is reduced from 80 to 15 % and the caloric content is almost four times higher that the fresh fruit ,being a very energetic food.

Fig fruit benefits
Its laxative power is also noteworthy, so it is highly recommended  intake figs when you have problems with constipation or stomach . It is a good ally to regain bowel movement and avoid problems that arising from malfunction.

 Alongside this has an  atribute of antirheumatic properties, so it is recommended intake of figs in people with family history of this disease, and those who practice a lot of sport and subject their joints to high wear.

Everyone can eat figs , in fact it is recommended that we include in our diet , because it is an easily digestible food , which besides is assimilated rapidly makes that our stomach is protected, thus avoiding the occurrence of gastric and stomach disturbances such as heartburn , reflux.

Eating this food will help improve digestion and thus the condition of the body.
Due to the high amount of carbs you have a an important source of energy and this calcium has some similarity with the calcium in milk .

They are very effective when you have mouth sores, wounds,aphthae, etc. .
The fig also has laxative and diuretic qualities for being a natural product; is recommended to be consumed by young children, adults, elderly, women in gestation , and for students who do physical activities.
They are high in sugar, 250g of fruit provide 1300 calories and 12g of protein , they also have vitamins A, B1 , B2 , B3 , C, calcium and iron.
In the next table we show the most important components and properties for the fig fruit

Fig Nutritional table

 Part   |  1  |


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