Evacuation And Intestinal Problems-1


Intestinal Problems

More than 80 million Americans suffer from inflamed bowel problems. Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths, colon cancer is second behind lung cancer. The toxic waste matter in our body that comes from our intestines is a great factor in all kind of diseases.

A person consuming 3 meals a day should have 3 bowel eliminations per day. If a person consumes two meals a day, should make two stools per day .We should remove food waste every 15 to 18 hours after eating.

When a person spends two or more days without going to the bathroom , all this waste is rotting  in the body and being reabsorbed through the colon walls . Consequently  the body is internally being poisoned . It is like keep some foodcovered in a trash for two days at  temperature above 98.6 ° F ( 37 ° C ).

The main constipation causes are poor diet, insufficient water intake, lack of exercise, emotional distress, and drug use.

Low Fiber Diet
Most of the food consumed today are highly refined and lack of fiber. A good health depends of regular elimination and plenty of fiber.

Unrefined grains , nuts, legumes , fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber. Fiber should be called " the rod of life." When people change from a bland diet (which are foods deprived of fiber), to natural unrefined whole foods that require chewing time is amazing how much better they feel in a short period of time.

They themselves are surprised at the increased energy and forces that they experiment. Fewer people will not suffer from constipation if they eat more foods with more fiber.

Processed foods , devitalized , lacking fiber. They tend to be dry , sticky and pasty . They tend to adhere to the colon inside as glue and are difficult to remove . Dr. J. N. Morris said that a lack of fiber in the diet may be a major cause of coronary thrombosis ( coronary dearterias Lock ).

Both the British medical scientists as the South Americans insist emphatically that an insufficient number of regular bowel movements and too little fiber in the fecal bolus can often explain the existence of basculares disorders, heart problems and varicose veins , appendicitis, clotting in deep veins , hernia hiatal , diverticulosis, colon cancer and arthritis.

This turnaround in the medical guidance comes from professional and respected surgeons and biochemists. After a tremendous amount of research conducted by the Senate select committee on nutrition and human needs, the following conclusion was reported.

Recommends a 25% reduction in fat intake and an increase of 25 %  in carbohydrate; particularly in the form of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. The committee spoke about the relationship between the current American diet fat , low in fiber, and high-risk cancer , like heart disease and other ailments.


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