Antioxidants Anti Cancer Foods-2


Antioxidants And Cancer

The soursop or graviol:
 is a fruit from South America. Normalizing the endocrine system regulates hormone production in the different glands of ourorganism.

Is 10,000 more potent than one of the components used in chemotherapy. It inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Helps digestion ,helps you sleep better , removes cholesterol and uric acid, is anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic.

The Shiitake
 Is an Asian fungus that grows on oaks , which strengthens the immune system, has antioxidant and antitumor effect. Helps control hypertension and reduces cholesterol. Because of its high content of vitamins such as A, C , E, and minerals, has anti-aging action .

The Reishi or Ganoderma lucidum

Is an Asian fungus that grows on the trunks of oak, beech and plum . It is known as the mushroom of immortality andlongevity . It is antitumor since induces  the destruction of cancer cells or precancerous cells.

It is used in treatment of Alzheimer's and other neuronal degenerative diseases. Helps you sleep better , reduce cholesterol , improve liver function and  asthmatic processes . It helps in osteo inflammation and muscle spasms.


Is an antioxidant polyphenol found in small amounts in oysters , peanuts and walnuts. It is extracted from the root of a plant native from China called Polygonum cuspidatum .

Prevents DNA damage, inhibits the enzyme that promotes tumor growth, reduces the action of cancer
initiation and progression . Clean oxidants that cause lipid protecting the heart of heart failure.

Strengthens the immune system and reduces damage in cells exposed to free radicals. It has nti-inflammatory power as it inhibits the release of arachidonic acid, responsible for inflammation and pain in arthritis, etc . Prevents Alzheimer's and Parkinson's , improves balance and mobility.

Coenzyme Q10
Is an antioxidant. It is responsible for converting food into energy for our body . It decreases with age and is at low levels in people suffering from cancer , diabetes, Parkinson's and degenerative diseases.

It is one of the main nutrients in cardiac tissue. It is an antihistamine natural. Help us improve pain and quality of life in cancer patients and in some cases no new metastases and there was partial remission of cancer.

We have seen in summary the main actions that have some of these antioxidants-anti cancer foods. By just eating  every day a rational amount of these nutrients , we will avoid many diseases and will alleviate  these that  we can suffering.


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