Soursop Alternative Medicine For Cancer And Tumors


Soursop For Cancer And Other Benefits

Soursop is a fruit native from Peruvian jungle, cultivated in India , Philippines , Hawaii and some tropical American countries , consumption is naturally only remove the seeds and open your appetite with this fruit.

Soursop health benefits
Every 100 grams Soursop provides : 1 gr . protein , 0.95 gr. fat , 16.5 g . carbohydrate , 3.2 g . fiber , 58 g . ash , 10.3 mg of calcium , 26.9 mg of phosphorus , 270 mg of potassium , 0.64 mg of iron , 2 IU of Vitamin A, Vitamin C 28.5 mg , 0.10 mg thiamin , 0.06 mg riboflavin , 1.3 mg niacin , tryptophan 11 mg 8 mg 60 mg methionine and lysine . It also has a high water content , this represents a contribution of only 65 calories.

The most interesting part of it is the effect on tumors, Soursop is a proven remedy against all types of cancer. Some time one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world say that after more than 20 laboratory tests with Soursop since 1970 , revealed that destroys malignant cells of 12 different types of Cancer.

The compounds of this fruit proved be 10,000 times better slowing growth of cancer cells that the drug adriamycin , a chemotherapy drug used to treat cancer , and more great is that these compounds only attack the cancer cells and that in no way affects the body .

However, its use and exportation is not benefited by the economic interest as this drastically would drop marketers medicines to treat cancer and in fact as the political and financial interests of few people is above the rest of the world we will always be subject to use drugs with horrific side effects taht do not provide a decent quality of life for a person.

Other curious facts

Specialists attribute vasodilatory properties when is consumed by way of tea. The leaves of the Soursop plant can be used if the person has diarrhea, preparing in infusion.

Soursop , also known as " masasamba ", " corosol ", " chachimán ", " huana huana " .

In other countries it is known as " graviola " or " Brazilian cherimoya " .

* Combat problems of amebiasis.

* Colon Inflammation.

* It is rich in fiber, calcium , phosphorus , vitamin C and iron.

* Thanks to the high content of latex that Soursop have decrease the chronic constipation.

* Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides.

* Fortify the intestinal flora.

* Helps stabilize liver function .

* It is considered an inevitable food in diets for weight loss.

* Avoid Inflammation of the digestive and urinary tract.


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