Olive Oil In alzheimer Cures-1


Alzheimer And Alternative Cures

According to the National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) in the United States, Alzheimer 's disease is  irreversible progressive disease that eventually destroys even the ability to carry out the simplest tasks.

The NIH predicts that up to 5.1 million Americans may have Alzheimer 's disease.

Probably there is no cure or treatment that works for long. But that does not mean there is no hope of preventing this disease.

Different work teams and researchers worldwide seeking answers to multiple questions that posed  neuronal degenerative disease known as " Alzheimer's disease ".

The researchers analyzed the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits of some of the components present in extra virgin olive oil , including polyphenols.

The study of the preventive effects that these components can even provide on brain protein that involved in cognitive functions is the main objective of this project.

So far, traditional medicine has nothing to work in long term or effectively, but researchers working on natural methods are advancing . Recently they said that consume extra virgin olive oil helps reduce risk of Alzheimer's - and they think they know why. In a new study, they concluded that a component of olive oil helps combat the abnormal proteins related with decline in brain function in Alzheimer 's disease.

Several epidemiological studies were conducted in the last decade in order to identify potential risk factors for Alzheimer 's disease . In this sense, diet and lifestyle, among other things,are linked. to a greater or lesser risk of developing this disease.

It has been found that the extra virgin olive oil oil has a preventive effect and may have beneficial anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants on certain brain proteins. These proteins are affected by oxidative stress, one of the recognized causes of Alzheimer's, and are involved in cognitive functions such as memory and language .The results obtained at laboratory scale confirm the researchers' hypothesis.

Definitive causes leading to suffer the sporadic form, that is, no genetic, which includes 95% of all cases of Alzheimer not yet have been elucidated. The neuronal oxidative damage is one of the first changes observed when compared with other aspects of the characteristic pathology.


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