Niacin And Its Multiple Benefits-1


Vitamin B3: Niacin Benefits

Vitamin B3, also called niacin, is one of  eight  water-soluble  B vitamins. The term niacin refers to nicotinic acid and nicotinamide, also called niacinamide . Both are used to form the coenzymes.

The health benefits conferred to niacin often are questioned. Why? The simple answer seems to be: for money. Medicines that control cholesterol are dairy cows for the pharmaceutical industry of a billion dollars per year. Niacin is inexpensive without recipes and safe . Drugs are considerably more dangerous and less effective.

Niacin is being attacked because it works. Niacin is one of the B group vitamins and like other vitamins B is required for cellular energy metabolism essential nutrient. Available in a wide variety of food , including whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, beans and nuts.

Niacin health benefits
As an inexpensive and safe supplement, niacin is widely used for its effects on raising HDL (good) cholesterol to reduce cardiovascular risk , to avoid the pain and inflammation of arthritis, and to treat a variety of psychological disorders such as anxiety and alcoholism. When is used appropriately, niacin is very safe.

To obtain the benefits of niacin , you can start taking low dose once a day and slowly increase the dose every day. This allows the body to adapt to increasing doses. An appropriate starting dose is 25 mg taken once daily with food.

Using this method, it is possible to achieve a dose of several hundred mg of niacin, taken as divided dose with meals, without side effects. Naturally, you should consult your doctor to discuss suitable forms, precautions, dosage and benefits of niacin.

Health Functions

A sufficient intake of vitamin B3 (niacin ) is important because it helps the body to :

• Convert food into glucose, which is used to produce energy.

• Manufacture macromolecules, including fatty acids and cholesterol.

• DNA repair and respond to stress.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA ) , which provides scientific advice to assist policy makers, has confirmed that they have shown clear benefits for the health of  niacin  intake (vitamin B3 ) in the diet, as it contributes to the following :

• Normal operation of metabolism energy producer

• Normal operation of the nervous system

• Maintenance of normal skin and mucous membranes.


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