Natural Foods That Fight Cellulite-2


Fight Cellulite

Meanwhile, sugar clearly falls in the list of forbidden foods if you want fight against cellulite. For this reason, it is recommended replace it  by natural sweeteners.

Take lots of oranges, grapefruit , lemon , citrus in general and leave the white part of the skin, which is beneficial to strengthen the walls of capillaries.
You must take fiber-rich foods such as legumes , fruits and vegetables , because they fight constipation.
Eat more often artichokes and beets, as they strengthen the liver.

Avoid wearing tight clothes as they hinder the blood circulation and promote the appearance of cellulite. Avoid sweets. A diet should be low in saturated fats, avoid fats, butter, sausage meat and simple sugars of rapid absorption, cakes, chocolate, sugar, honey.

Vegetables, fruits and foods rich in iron should be the basis of your diet. Take foods rich in iron : lean meat,fish, seafood, vegetables .Iron deficiency favors the appearance of cellulite and much more difficult its removal.

On the other hand, you should try not retain liquids. For this purpose , reduce or avoid the salt. To  your dishes not result bland, season them with lemon juice, parsley and other herbs. Follow diuretic diet rich in potassium endive , eggplant , nuts , mushrooms , bananas, yeast,fruits and making teas to help you remove liquid such as green tea or  red, a great ally for women.

Also takes all kinds of grain products (rice , pasta , cereals ), which absorb and eliminate toxins and also prevent constipation, another enemy for cellulite. We must take milk , preferably skimmed, to ensure the supply of calcium .

How to reduce cellulite with toning exercises
Along with diet you must exercise to stimulate the circulation in your legs. Walking, cycling and jogging are highly recommended activities in addition to tone thighs and hips. Toning exercises and strength training with weights also very effective to reduce cellulite.

Massages are also beneficial against cellulite. As for clothes, you do not use jeans or tight clothes , because prevent good circulation and stimulate fluid retention in thighs.


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