Know Headaches Causes And Solutions


Headaches Causes

Colon blood capillaries begin collecting the toxins and poisons that are in the colon. These enter in to bloodstream ( causing many problems ) and are carried throughout the body, including the brain where it develops a migraine or headache.

Two factors that will combat constipation are: drink plenty of water and eat natural foods. Set aside concentrated refined foods.The lack of sufficient water intake is another major cause of headaches.

The human brain is composed over 80 %  of water and when a person does not drink enough water, will have a headache. We should take at least two liters of water daily. Stress is another major factor in tension headaches .

Headache solutions
There are two things you can do to relieve this type of headache:
staying in a warm water tub for half an hour and have a tea of red sage or basil , which are excellents for tensional origin headaches.

Other simple ways to relieve headaches are a footbath with hot water alone or with a dollop of mustard seed in the water and simultaneously placing a cold compress on your head for 20 minutes. Two other herbs for making tea , useful for these headaches are mint and wormwood.

Absinthe is especially good for severe headaches and congestiĆ³n.In conclusion, keep in mind that the headaches are only warning that something is wrong.

Natural and healthy living , and doing in  practice these simple tips you can remove many tension situations  in your lives, and help to resolve them in a calm manner therefore you will minimize and cure headaches.


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