Why Physical Activity Rejuvenate


Physical Activity Rejuvenate

Physical activity rejuvenate because it involves special exercises, especially aerobic.

Many of the scientific research on human aging focus on the study of telomeres, which are structures found at the ends of chromosomes DNA and whose function prevent deterioration over time and sticking each other.

 When telómeres begin to shorten gradually lose their function and the cells are reduced its ability to regenerate and begin to age.

That is why they can be considered as markers of biological age of a person.

Maintaining the length of the telomeres is influenced by many factors. It is true that genetics plays a role, but there are environmental factors that produce early shortening and therefore faster aging.

Then two people over 60 can look 50 or 70 years according to these factors. Inadequate nutrition, smoking, permanent mental stress, chronic infections, chronic lack of sleep, obesity are some of the factors that promote premature aging.

The Physical Exercise And Its Benefits Keeps Us Young
Has drawn much attention over the excellence of athletes that resemble younger than they really show their identity cards.This observation led to different scientific research groups to try to find the reasons.

They studied 1200 pairs of twins and found that those who did physical activity 3 or more hours per week, despite having the same genetic,they had telomeress more longer than their sedentary brothers.

For those who took more time physical activity,more than 3 ½ hours per week,had the same size telomeres that sedentary people with 10 years more younger.In reality that physical activity promoted a real age 10 years more younger.

This new research motivated to start and maintain an active lifestyle because all the benefits that regular physical activity has on health and the prevention and treatment of heart disease, prevention of cancers such as colon, bladder and breast were the most studied prevention and treatment of blood sugar and high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol mitigation of psychological low self-esteem, anxiety, must be added the prevention of aging.

That is, we can live better with this activity and not only better in addition we seem youngest more than mark our true ages.

A good Start Is Essential
Walking is quintessential aerobic activity to lose kilos. This daily activity we perform regularly, almost without realizing it, helps both lose kilos as to strengthen the core muscles of the body.

Then walk daily and with the  proper technique lose kilograms because by practicing it burn calories and fatty materials deposited in our body.

Start Small
The walk should be done step by step and gradually as all physical activity programs, begin gradually to 15 minutes a day and so will best suit this new routine and little by little, step by step, you can increase the time walk smoothly,without problems.

If you walk for 40 minutes once, is likely to get bored and tired, or suffering much pain that discourage you,all depends of your actual health condition.

Start Small So That The Activity Will Last.
This small initial walk properly performed with a full respiratory time, with deep inhalations and exhalations, create feelings of vigor and harmony and has proven to have a calming effect on the person that lasts for more than an hour of physical activity performed.

A little muscle rigidity may occur at the beginning of the program, but it is slight and tends to disappear once the muscles got used to increase physical activity.

It is always recommended and advisable to consult with your doctor before starting a walking program to avoid any mishaps and get benefits of physical activity.

The walk should be done at a moderate pace on level ground as it involves the movement of almost all the muscles and bones of the body, tones, improves posture, works the abs, fights low esteem, helps you sleep better, releases tensions and  burning calories and fatty mass.


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