Healthy Fiber We Should Have In Our Diet-3


Dietary Fiber Recommendations For Adults

The recommended intake of dietary fiber depends on the age and sex of the person and is approximately 25-38 grams per day. The reference consumption dietary is 14 grams per 1000 kilocalories.

Nutritionists recommend getting dietary fiber of fruits, vegetables , seeds, foods made with grains integrals, popcorn , brown rice , whole grains , pastas and bran. The above mentioned foods are more efficient than fiber supplements and in turnwill provide additional nutrients.

 About 65 % to 85 % of the vitamins, minerals and micro - nutrients in grains are found in the germ and bran. When the grain is refined or processed as white flour and white rice, the outer part of the grain is removed . Some vitamins and minerals are added to the same refined grains, but fiber and other micro - nutrients are not reinstated. Micronutrients have important physiological functions that contribute to good health , and are needed in small quantities.

Effect of Processing on Dietary Fiber
During processing of food as boiling , microwave, pressure cooking , may occur loss of certain components of dietary fiber. The legumes cooked by different treatments may decrease in fiber content  around 20-25%.

The extrusion cooking of cereal bran content decreases insoluble fiber and soluble fiber increases. In most treatments using heat, the decrease of insoluble fiber, is due to a decrease in the molecular weight of certain components of dietary fiber.

Researchs to  respect have found that treatments using dry or semi dry storage at low temperatures or heat  reduce the content of soluble fiber in oats.

Recommended daily dietary fiber for children
Researchs with children ,show that when children ate cereal for breakfast 8 times a day for periods of 14 days, had 75 % less probability to be overweight , compared with children who consumed cereal 3 times a day or less.

Experts in this area suggest that children over two years of age consume a total of fiber according to " age + 5" per day. This means that children from 4 years old need 9 grams daily fiber consumption , adolescents aged 15  could consume 20 grams of fiber a day.

Fiber Based Products

A tablespoon of a fiber -based product or supplement, provides about 10 grams of additional dietary fiber. In such products, there different fiber components, which are classified as soluble and insoluble fiber.

The insoluble fraction is made primarily of cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose. This fraction is responsible for imparting texture characteristics which cause greater mastication thereby decreasing the increased intake food, while cause some degree of satiety.

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