10 Benefits of Being In Movement


10 Benefits of Being In Movement

Benefits Of Movement

Physical inactivity in the body cause more negative consequences than we think.
To know them is necessary to see the other side: The benefits of physical activity.

One of the main problems that affect us in postmodernity is that we have many elements that lead us every time to mobilize less.

And this situation means that our muscles begin to atrophy and shrink in size.We are suffering  then an epidemic of muscle loss.

The aggravating is that when we lose muscle mass we lose health.To measure what we lose by not being physically active then we analyze the benefits of having good muscle mass.

For the column: When moving less and lose muscle the person begins to hunch forward.

Physical activity prevents deformation of the spine.The advisable thing is the swimming

Increased elasticity and mobility:
Lack of physical activity causes us to lose elasticity and mobility, however the practice of physical activity makes us more flexible and agile.

At cardiac level:
Improves good cholesterol when maintaining good physical activity the muscle growth and indirectly causes an increase in good cholesterol, which is like the detergent of the arteries.

Avoid high pressure.
Physical exercise benefits how an activity is an excellent complement to prevent high blood pressure, while inactivity is the best way for arterial blood pressure increase.

Regulates heart rate-Avoid varices:
In the contraction and relaxation of the leg muscles pump the blood from the veins to the heart preventing it remain stationed in the veins of  the legs.

Low fatigue:
The healthy person at the end of the day has to end the day with sleep but not physical exhaustion otherwise means you are out of fitness.

Respiratory capacity:
When performing physical activity is used throughout the lung and hence improves oxygenation and reaches more oxygen to the brain.

Triglycerides blood sugar and cholesterol:
They are the main muscle fuel. When it starts working sugar is used, this leads to improved blood sugar and when it takes more than 20 minutes running starts to consume more triglycerides and bad cholesterol.

A blood level:
If there is less cholesterol and less triglyceride blood becomes more fluid and that prevents blood clots.

Tract Level:
When we are doing physical activity this movement produce a massage abdominal muscles ,helping to person in better evacuate and  thus become a reduction of risk colon cancer.

Nervous System: 
Physical activity improves muscle coordination andantidepressant.


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