Foods You Should Be Eating For Improve Vision


Foods for eyesight

A variety of foods can help improve our vision. As we age, our vision may deteriorate due to macular degeneration. We can also develop cataracts. Beta carotene and vitamin A are good for the eyes. Some foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants help you to get a better view.

If vision is affected by the bad blood circulation garlic also helps to improve circulation. Garlic is a natural anticoagulant. Garlic also contains sulfur, which strengthens the lenses and keeps resistant. It is recommended to eat fresh garlic because it is more potent than is cooked.

The eggs also contain acids and lutein that help strengthen the optic nerves of sulfur, fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids. Protect the lenses of the eyes, because they are antioxidants. If you like eggs boiled or scrambled to help protect your eyes. Help delay macular degeneration. The regular consumption of eggs is known to prevent cataract. Also contain zinc and vitamin B that are essential to the overall health of the eyes.

Papaya contains vitamin A and vitamin C, which are very useful for the general health of the eyes, which prevent the age-related macular degeneration.

Citrus fruits contain vitamin C, which is essential to prevent macular degeneration. They also protect the eyes against cataracts and other types of infections.

Is well known that the carrots are antioxidants and contain beta carotene. Reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Carrots are known to regenerate cells of the eye.

If you like raw tomatoes or tomato soap will help you to improve your vision. Tomatoes are known to contain beta carotene and lutein to help prevent macular degeneration.


Salmon contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains vitamin A and vitamin D in abundance. The portions of salmon 2-3 times a week is very good for healthy eyes.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolates are excellent antioxidants. Contain flavonoids that are useful in the protection of the blood vessels of the eye and therefore, the cornea and lens.

Green Leaf Plants
Green leaf plants such as broccoli and spinach are very good for the eyes, since they are very good antioxidant. They also have a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are essential to the overall health of the eyes.

Blueberries and apricots are some of the other foods to help improve eyesight naturally.


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