Best And Healthy Benefits Of Walking Daily


 Benefits Of Walking Daily

When the doctor suggests to a patient the benefits of walking every day, this not meaning that the person the next morning wake up, put a pair of jeans, slippers and hit the street, without guidance, and walk to the step that strikes your fancy.

Beware. To take the walk as a daily exercise routine will need to consider the following recommendations made by sports physician and different scientifics in this theme:

1. What clothes should we use? The person should be placed a sweatshirt that allows proper body perspiration. Never put plastic or rubber in the stomach on the pretext of weight loss. With that all we do is dehydrated and, if exceeded in the exercise.

2. On what surface you walk?. It is better to walk on flat and preferably on grass,grama,or grass very short. When walking on concrete or asphalt may occur subsequently joint pain in ankles and knees.

3. At what time and at what temperature should make the trek? Upon walking avoid excesses of both cold and heat. Therefore, it is best to start the walk between 7:00 and 11:00 am and between 3:00 and 4:00 pm to avoid damaging the skin from the effects of sun. Never walk at noon. Either when the temperature is less than 10 degrees nor more than 27 degrees Celsius, for example, when we walking at low temperatures, muscles release more energy to maintain the body temperature to physical benefit.

4. What shoes should we use? Tennis having adequate cushioning and permitting the proper balance. It's best to buy special sneakers for walking and not using basketball or beach footwear. The platform tennis, though they represent a real danger, because the wearer runs the risk that he tronche ankle. The shoes should be flexible, durable and permeable, allowing good muscle function and does not jeopardize the circulation of the feet.

5. At what intensity you should walk? The human gait  should walk at a normal pace that is four or five Km per hour. A person with good physical condition can reach six Km per hour. What is important is to calculate the intensity according to the heart rate projected, indicates that a doctor.

Anyway, there is a formula for establishing and is subtracting  220 from the age. That is, if a person is 40 years old the following operation: 220-40 = 180 and the result is the maximum heart rate that individual. With this data you can calculate how many should be your minimum and maximum heart rate per minute to not overdo the exercise.
So, it is a rule of thumb considering that the normal ranges for the minimum heart rate equivalent to 60 per cent and the maximum of 75 percent.

Thus, to continue with the same example of a person of 40 years if 180 equals 100 percent of his/her heart rate, how much equivalent to 60 percent? This is equal to 108. The same is done with 75 percent and that would give maximum output of 135 beats per minute.

Therefore, any person when you walk as sport should take your pulse every five minutes if you have it in normal minimum,in this case 108, is making no effort and has to raise a little step. But if you have more than normal maximum allowed in this case about 135 pulsations, should step down to enter back into the  secure strip healthy.

6. How should finish the walk? A person should never abruptly stop walking and sit. By contrast, during the last 5 or 10 minutes must change to a soft walk for the heart to rturn to normal.

Subsequently, it should make the process of cooling or muscle relaxation and that is by doing for 5 minutes, some stretching exercise for muscles and joints back to their initial condition.

7. What to eat or drink before and during the walk? Previous nutrition requires consuming some portion of carbohydrates like cereals, pasta, fruits, vegetables and should get at least two hour before taking a walk to have a reserve energy. During the walk the person should moisturize every 10 to 15 minutes, preferably with water, never soda.

8. What are the benefits of walking and weight loss or how to lose weight by walking?  When a person walks half hour start to see results by the third week. It stabilizes a month and half and will see excellent results, or have a good physical to three months, only if  the frequency is daily  at least 3-4 times a week.

With this exercise the individual mobilizes fatty deposits, regulates your blood pressure, helps your levels of blood sugar stabilize; decrease your triglycerides and cholesterol have higher oxygenation level such important organs as the brain and the heart, lubricates joints and therefore fights the onset of osteoarthritis.

9. Walking is contraindicated for someone? Yes For people with serious cardiovascular diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias. Those who have serious limitations orthopedic level and those with acute infections such as colds strong. Always, as in any sport, we should consulting our doctor first.


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