Plyometric Training Workout And Velocity


Plyometric Training Exercises

The jump training has reported benefits and progressions in the athletes really spectacular and this training is a really fun.

The real term plyometric was coined for the first time in 1975 by Fred Wilt, one of the athletic trainers in the United States, more advanced thought.

Latin root plyo metrics is interpreted how "measurable increases".  These exercises of exotic appearance were regarded as the responsible for the rapid increasing competitiveness and superiority of the eastern Europeans of that time in the athletics.

The plyometric exercises were known quickly by the coaches and athletes as exercises in trainings intended to join the force and velocity of movement to produce power. Fitness training plyometric became essential for the athletes that jumped,lifted or threw.

At the end of the years 70 and 80, who were involved in other sports began to realize the potential applications of these concepts to their own activities of movement. Over the 80, the coaches in sports such as volleyball, football, workout,weight lifting exercises began to employ plyometric to improve their training programs. If there was a downside to this enthusiasm,was the lack of experience.

How do operate the plyometric exercises?
The plyometric exercises are defined as those that enable a muscle to reach maximum force in a period of time as short as possible. This ability to speed-strength is known as power.

The consensus opinion cites the importance of two factors:

(a) The serial elastic components of the muscle, which include tendons and to the characteristics of the cross-actin structure and myosin that form muscle fibers.

(b) The sensors in the swabs proprioceptors who design the function of preset muscle tension and transmit the production related sensory muscle extension for quick activation of the reflection of the extension.

The muscular elasticity is an important factor to understand the way in which the stretch-shortening cycle can produce more power than a simple concentric muscle contraction.

Muscles can accumulate briefly the tension developed by a rapid stretching, so have a kind of elastic energy potential. As an analogy we can consider a rubber band whenever is stretching there is the potential for a rapid return to its original length.

Fundamentals of plyometric training

We can say that the plyometrics is a variable of the multi jumps. And we have to bear in mind that to train the upper trunk we can use medicine ball and the training of jumps for lower trunk.

1. Jumps on the same site:
 On the same site one behind another. Relatively low intensity.

2. Jumps with the feet together:
You must allow a full recovery between each effort.

3. Leaps and multihop:
By combining jumps on the same site and the jumps with the feet together. One after another. Can be run alone or with fences.

Exaggeration of the normal stride while running to emphasize a specific aspect of the cycle of the stride.

5. Exercises with plinths or drawers:
Combine multihop with drops jumps.

6. Drops Jumps:

Jumps with falls. Use the athlete's body and gravity to make force against the ground.


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