What You Do Not Know Of Drinking Pure Water


What You Do Not Know Of Drinking Pure Water

What is the pure soft water?
With the exception of the pure air, there is no other element in nature with more importance in sustaining life as soft water pure.

The chemical composition of pure soft water is represented by the formula H2O, which means that it is composed of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Has no odor, color or flavor and both are transparent.

Where can we find pure soft water  in our society today? The municipal water contains more than 700 different chemical although federal laws only require
analysis 16 of them.

Recent research indicates that the chlorine, which is used by suppliers of municipal water to combat the bacteria, it is far more dangerous to human health of what was originally assumed. It has proven to be a significant contributing factor in certain types of cancer and heart disease.

In 1987, in a complex study conducted by the national Cancer Institute concluded that the risk of developing cancer of the bladder grew with the increase in the consumption of beverages that contain surface chlorinated water, which is the one that comes out of the tap in more than half of the homes of family in the United States.

The cancer of the bladder mainly affects adults and is the fifth leading cause of cancer more commonly known in the USA. The incidence of cancer of the bladder increase by more than 50% since 1950. In truth, the chlorinated water kills most of the germs and viruses but also kills many cells of our body.

Water That Containing Fluoride
Do not drink water that containing fluoride, chemicals, metals, and pesticides.Fluoride that is a derivative of the fluorine, a chemical lethal to humans and  although it is not dangerous in small amounts, while accumulates in the human body, can cause cancer and/or other diseases that can be fatal.

The toothpaste is the second largest source of fluorine, after the water that is number one. The fluoride combat almost everything. Its chemical action is such that all their containers must be coated with plastic or rubber, because it can corrode  any metal material.

In recent years professionals in public health are more and more concerned about the presence of toxic chemicals in our drinking water, particularly heavy metals , chemicals and pesticides.

These substances are extremely difficult to remove once have joined in the water. In accordance with the Council of Economic Priorities, 8 of 10 Americans living near a field or source of toxic waste. These toxic sites can contaminate the ground water.

The contaminant, TCE commonly used to remove grease from metal has appeared in the most unexpected places .

Half of the water supply of Silicon Valley  is contaminated by it. This has stopped to people to use potable water for Amana, lowa, and New Brighton, Minnesota. In Green Bay Wisconsin, residents have requested emergency wells.

The Environmental  Protection Agency (EPA) reported that the TCE has contaminated in significantly one of every ten of the major systems of soil water.


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