
Removing The Warts Easily


Removing The Warts

So you want to know something about mole and removing warts, but you are not sure if it's something you can do at home? Well, the short answer to this question is sure, you can do it at home. The long answer would let you know that if you try to remove a mole or wart and does it in the wrong way you could end up with a scar that would last a long time or even a lifetime. The problem could worsen if the removal of moles or warts is carried out in a visible area.

Warts are caused by a type of viral  infection. Also known they are as benign tumors that are formed in the epidermal layer of the skin.
 The wart virus is known as the human papilloma virus HPV.
This virus is a double-stranded DNA and causes warts and develops in the outer layers of the skin when it enters in the body through a cut or abrasion.

Once the virus has gained access to the body this can be living within the lower layers of the epidermis where it can remain completely unnoticed and  is of benign character. If it does not, however, be able to develop warts.

Before we get into the how and why of moles and warts have to remove them,you should know that sometimes moles are the bodies way that lets you know that something is wrong. If you have a mole that changes size, shape or color, or bleeding can sometimes be a sign of a  problem more serious and should be checked.

If, on the other hand, removal of moles and warts is cosmetic in nature, then you can go ahead and get rid of the buggers. Here are some ways you can remove moles and warts, and some of the reasons that may not be the best idea.

First, could try to simply cut. Most people who have done it in the past will tell you that it does not really hurt either. We know that in the case of warts, no nerve endings that run within the wart for no real pain. But if not cut below the surface of the wart just coming back, and it's painful and tends to bleed. Not to mention the fact that you are exposing yourself to the possibility of a nasty infection if not using sterile equipment.

Doctors are more than willing to take care of them so that by slicing, dicing, freezing and burning them out of your body. You can also prescribe something that might help get rid of them, but these things take their own side effects and problems, as well as the money you have to spend to get this special work for you.

If you really want to remove moles and warts once and for all, without side effects and without leaving a mark behind his body then go with natural mole removal, this is the way to go. We will describe two of many methods known of how to remove warts:

The method of the tape:
Generally is considered that the use of adhesive tape to get rid of the warts is effective in 80% of the cases, although sounds something strange, it is worth it to try

adhesive tape as the first option to removing the warts.The method involves nothing more than putting a small piece of masking tape on the wart, this seals the wart and leave without air, is the "tomb". This is a seal of the wart ,it denies the ability to "breathe", which makes it effective, or if there is some acid in the adhesive tape that can be used in it which can kill the wart, is still a point of discussion but the fact is that this works.

Note: When use duct tape, cover the wart with tape and leave it coated and you could replace the tape as you need for six or seven days, after that time we can start to look some interesting results.

The glycolic acid
Retinoic acid and its derivatives (retinoic acid, isotretinoino), glycolic acid and benzoyl peroxide (2.5 and 5 %) are powerful keratolytic little suitable for the treatment of facial flat warts which seeks to make a progressive peeling effect without cause scars in the skin. Finally is highly recommended visit your doctor before making a right choice in your health care.


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