Harmful Effects Of Sugar In Our Body


 Bad Sugar And Health Care

Harmful effects of sugar is like a drug,tobacco and cigarette, sugar is actually adictive. Plays an important role tha is neded by the governments. Use of sugar should be discouraged and users especially kids must be aware of the dangers, says in the article Paul van der Velpen, published in the official web of the Public Health area of Amsterdam.

This may seem exaggerated and unreasonable, but sugar is the most dangerous drug of all time and can be easily purchased everywhere, says the expert.

He cites research claiming that sugar  unlike fats and other nutrients, interferes with the body's appetite by creating an insatiable desire to eat, an effect that the food industry uses to increase consumption of their products. "Sugar disrupts this mechanism.

Whoever uses sugar wants more and more, even when they are not hungry. For example, someone who eats eggs and this person stop eating at once. But after receiving the cookies keep eating despite stomach aches, "said Van der Velpen.

 Sugar In Diet
Actually, sugar in diet is a form of addiction. 'Is so hard to get rid of the temptation to eat sweets like stop using snuff. So diets only work temporarily. Addiction therapy is better in this case, said the functionary.

Van der Velpen wants to see taxes on sugar and legal limits to the amount that is added to processed foods. Also have to put warnings on cigarettes style, in the candy and soda to inform consumers that "sugar is addictive and harmful to health."

"Schools must not sell candy and soda to their students. The producers of sports drinks are full of sugar that should be sued for false advertising," proposes the Dutch expert.

Sugar: A Creation Human
Sugar like drugs was artificially created by humans. Its effects on the body of mammals is still unknown, but in recent decades have appeared studies linking sugar consumption to surge diabetes and cancer as well as cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.
Moreover, cause disturbances in the function of the cells, increases the level of platelets and cause the disorder syndrome, attention with activity disorder in children.

It is advisable to make a healthy education on this topic from the base of education that is in the primary school and achieve more consciousness in our mature age about these themes; this is the first way about how to stop eating sugar.


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