Reevaluating Healthy Habits In The Office


Healthy Habits In Office

Today many people spend long hours working in front of a computer, whether in an office or at home(like me :-)) ).

What can we do as we work to make our day be the maximum healthy physically, mentally and emotionally?

Following this advices:

1 - Drink lots of water. Bring a big bottle and drinking often as we can.

2 - Eat fruit mid-morning and mid-afternoon.

3 - Always have healthy snacks in the office. You can have nuts or a cereal bar if you ever do not have fruit.

4 - Do not uses  the elevator, go up for the stairs.

5 - Rise of the chair. If you go to the bathroom, choose one that is farther away, if you need to talk with a partner, do not call, go to see him/her. Studies suggest that this habit  improves our health but also our productivity.

6 - At the beginning and /or end of the day, take a few minutes to stretch your muscles and make breathing or meditation.

7 - Watch your posture. Sit up straight in your chair, placed either your computer screen in right position, watch your posture also when standing.

8 - Get some rest to enjoy the outdoors. You walk around with your mates after eating, for example.

9 - As you begin your journey, says on paper 3 small things you like about your job. It helps you maintain a more positive outlook and enjoy what you do.

10 - Keep your things very tidy. The chaos and disorder increase our stress.

11 - Do not criticize or rant. Resolve conflicts positively and by talking with the people involved. Provides creative ideas and solutions to improve everything that you think can be improved.

12 - Disconnect every 90-120 minutes. Take the opportunity to go to walk a little, do breathing, stretching ... helps to be more productive and efficient.

13 - Get Organized. Reserve a few hours each day for important projects non-urgent.

14 - Disconnect notices of incoming e-mails and similar. Check the e-mail only 2 or 3 times each day.

15 - Focus on what you're doing at all times and do one thing at a time. Practice mindfulness.

16 - Apply creativity to your work to achive healthy habits.Think in new and better ways of doing things.

17 - Do not stress. Resolve issues efficiently. Relativizes  the work is important but other things too.

18 - Smile and laugh. Humor is good to work better.

- Respect your working hours. The work never ends. You could stay up all night if you wanted and still not end.

20 - Look an hour to go home or end if you work at home. End your tasks just 20 minutes before that time. Spend 10 minutes planning the next day,five minutes to leave everything in order and 5 minutes to stretch / meditation / breathing then you will see the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

21 - Do not carry the work or problems to your  home.

22 - Enjoy. We spent many hours working. Have a fun.


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