The Mediterranean Diet For Weight Loss Naturally


The Mediterranean Diet For Weight Loss Naturally

The Mediterranean diet diet consists mainly of the consumption of grains, fruits and vegetables. This diet can help you live longer, reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and reduce cholesterol.

It has been shown through studies, that the Mediterranean diet for weight loss is much more effective for weight loss, that the American diet.

The Secret of the Mediterranean Diet For Weight Loss
Researchers have found that people living in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea have strikingly lower rates of heart disease, compared to people living in North America. Extensive research in recent years has shown that eating habits are fundamental in the incidence of heart disease.

The Mediterranean diet contains mostly grains, fruits and vegetables. This eating style includes little meat and lots of olive oil. One of the key ingredients in Mediterranean cooking is garlic. Garlic may help prevent blood clots, lower your cholesterol, and protects against cancer.

What features does the Mediterranean diet?

Low in saturated fat and animal protein.
High intake of unsaturated fats mainly from Olive oil is rich in oleic acid monounsaturated fatty acid and oily fish rich in omega 6 and omega-3 fatty acids polyunsaturated.

Rich in carbohydrates from cereals.
High in fiber, vitamins, minerals and other antioxidants present in all kinds of fruits, nuts, vegetables and legumes.

Using simple cooking techniques such as salads,boiled and roasted with olive oil.

Main Features of the Mediterranean health diet for weight Loss:

• It is characterized by high consumption of plant foods, fruits, vegetables, bread, pasta, rice, cereals and legumes. Carbohydrates in the form of fiber-rich complex carbohydrates provide 50% of daily energy intake.

• The consumption of olive oil is the main source of fat  both  for frying as to flavor. Fats make up 30% of total energy intake.
• Red meat consumption is insufficient to be on average, once a month.

• Proteins provide by between 15% and 20% of the total energy, in equivalent amounts of plant and animal origin. The 50% is the contribution of milk, eggs, meat and fish.

• Moderate wine consumption during meals.

• Low salt intake and high intake of herbs.

Fibre from cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables have a beneficial effect favoring intestinal transit, and overall helps to balance the energy profile of the diet. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are associated with a lower risk cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer.

Olive oil, oily fish and nuts reduce the level of cholesterol, preventing cardiovascular risk.

How Long Should You Stay on the Mediterranean Diet For Weight Loss?

This eating plan is for six weeks, but you can stay on this diet for a lifetime. In the six weeks you will learn how what and when to eat, so you can continue on your own.

Remember to complement the Mediterranean diet to lose weight with a plan of physical activity like walking, running or biking. This will help surprising weight loss.


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