How to Disconnect To Sleep Better


 How to Disconnect To Sleep Better

 Recent studies show that people consider the quality sleep or sleep better as a determining factor of a good quality of life, yet statistics show that we are increasingly sleep less and sleep is poor quality.

 What are the causes?

The society constantly promotes unlikely rest habits, we require 24-hour of service the seven days a week, a third of the population is actively working night shifts, work schedules that extend past 20 hours, plus the fact that travel time from work to home has increased therefore the working day ends with stress and fatigue.

There are many factors that create a society with chronic lack of better sleep, due to these bad habits and a lack of awareness of the importance of sleep,because sleep is seen as an unproductive activity.

We wonder how to get more sleep to achieve a restful sleep in general most of the adult population need between seven and eight hours of rest, others manage to be satisfied with a dream of less than seven hours.

In the case of children need more sleep  quantity hours because they are in the growth stage.
In the case of the adult persons must include the hours of nap sleep at night.

When we consider that we suffer from insomnia?
Insomnia is defined as difficulty getting to sleep or suffer frequent awakenings during the night, if the same situation occurs for a period of three months may be chronic.Besides feeling restless sleep, ie affecting performance and well-being during the day. Insomnia chronic affects 10

Other health disorders that affecting sleep are sleep apnea syndrome and restless legs syndrome.

Regarding insomnia we can classify it in:
Psychophysiological insomnia:
When the patient loses the ability to disconnect and achieve the dream, suffers from unlearning to sleeping.

The most common is characterized by inability to sleep, entering a vicious circle of concern and effort to achieve the dream, this prevents relaxation be sufficient to achieve the dream comes.

Maintenance Insomnia:
You suffer frequent nocturnal awakenings and can have several causes.

Depending on the insomnia length may be acute : between one and two weeks, or sub acute: several weeks or chronic: more than three months.

Insomnia affects our health and quality of life, increases the risk of depression, mental performance and work, good humor and also has implications on cardiovascular risk factors.

If you suffer from  insomnia avoid self medication and consult your doctor.


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