Practical Healthy Tips To Lose weight


 To Lose Weight

To lose weight is only necessary stay aware of being overweight or obese because  is one of the most important risk factors to suffer heart disease.People who are obese tend to have high levels of blood cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes.

If you also prefer healthy way to lose weight, follow a balanced and varied diet, in which no missing: fats, proteins and/or carbohydrates.

In your diet you wear every day should not miss the foods that provide fiber, vitamins and minerals.

But above all do not forget to increase physical activity in your daily routine that help to lose weight.

Recent studies have shown that weight loss combined with exercise training is much more effective in obese older adults.

Try to move as much as possible during the day. You can always use the stairs instead of the elevator, walking instead of driving, get off the bus a couple of blocks away and walk to your work.

■ Avoid foods that will further swell the belly, so you will not have that feeling of swelling.
For a while, we said goodbye to carbonated drinks, coffee or beer. And you know, avoid fried foods, sweets and goodies.

■ If you have to lose much weight or cost you quite slimming is no nonsense get in the hands of a professional  like doctor or nutritionist since no one better than them to advise and make track.

■ No miracle diets or diets that coming you from another people because they would not work. Everyone is different and your body reacts differently to a diet.

Do not choose shortcuts when losing weight because soon regain weight again recover it and  only your body will  dislocate with such fluctuations.

■ To achieve this goal you do not need too much effort or sacrifice, but caring enough about food components that are consumed, as well as changing the way you cook for not to accumulate too much fat, and make exercise.

Natural Diuretic Foods
Another important step is intake abundant diuretic foods to help remove fluids. To do this, it is helpful to drink plenty of water, three to four liters a day.

Finally, it is essential to eliminate the sweet of diet, sugary drinks and alcohol, the main culprits of weight gain.

■ Here I mention some practical tips to lose weight so we can eat at ease and maintain weight:

 Very Important
* The natural seasonings(without excess) intensify the flavor of foods without increasing caloric intake.

* The cream of low fat milk  with a 12-15 percent fat  and low-fat milk and yogurt are very useful for the preparation of certain dishes and recipes.

* Avoid the chicken bouillon or meat instead of them we could use onion, tomato natural, saffron natural peppers and sea ​​salt that add flavor to boiled vegetables.

* The skin of birds (chicken, turkey, etc..) Contains fat, so it is recommended to remove it before cooking or eating.

*Avoid  the microwave cooking,this does not destroy many vitamins as conventional ovens but the microwave can affect our health because radiation leak according to different scientific studies and facts made previously,use the conventional oven. After all both types of furnaces reduce fat utilization.

* Chew well and eat slowly improves digestion and a feeling of fullness, which helps prevent overeating.

■ Sleep seven-eight hours. Sleeping little fat. Insufficient sleep causes the generation of the hormone that stimulates the appetite and inhibits the hormone that gives signals of satiety to the brain, as pointed out by researchers from the University of Chicago, recently.

■ Light dinner. The dinner is conflicting because if we eat too many calories the fat will accumulate as during sleep.Always eat dinner before 6 pm.

Simple dinners are recommended with a first vegetable dish and a second dish with white fish, chicken or egg, that way you will  weight loss fast and healthy .

Another option would be the protein salads (with natural tuna, cottage cheese 0%, deli turkey) that can be taken as a single dish.


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