Uncover Our Personality By Blood Type


Blood Type And Personality

Before speak the personality by blood type, we are going to start understanding more about Blood.
Blood consists of a red liquid, which circulates within our veins and arteries, the liquid is composed primarily of red blood cells (RBC), leukocytes,white blood cells and platelets.

General Characteristics:

People have about 5 liters of this red liquid, and its speed is about 2 Km per hour.

The erythrocytes cells are responsible for feeding the cells.

The leukocytes are responsible to defend against viruses.

Platelets are responsible for plugging any injury that may cause us to lose our precious red liquid.

Blood is not all the same, despite all be red, is classified as a blood group.There are two types of classifications to describe blood groups in humans, the ABO system (antigens) and Rh factor.

The antigens induce the formation of antibodies to defend the body of any substance that the immune system detects a threat.

The ABO classifies blood as follows:

-The blood type A has antigens that are type A on the surface of its erythrocytes and antibodies against antigens of  type B in its plasma.

-The blood type B has antigens  type B on the surface of its red blood cells and antibodies against antigens type A in its plasma, just the opposite than type B.

-Blood type O do not has antigen type A or type B on the surface of its erythrocytes.

-The blood of  type AB, in contrast to the type O, has on the surface of the erythrocytes the antigens of type A and type B without producing antibodies.

Dr. Landsteiner, discovered in the year 1,940 other types of antigens, the Rhesus factors known as Rh factors.

People with blood with Rh factor,are called Rh positive.

People with blood that produce antibodies against the Rh factor, are referred to as Rh negative.

Now that we have a little clear what is that red liquid that flows in our veins,then move on to the argument of blood types and personality written above in this article.

 Personality And Type Of Blood
 People belonging to blood group A are perfectionists, very anxious, they are people externally calm, inwardly very nervous, his artistic sense is highly developed, are shy, conscientious, reliable, sensitive, conservative, introverted, reserved, patient and punctual, in its downside is obsessive, stubborn, self-conscious and stubborn.

People belonging to group B are lively, eccentric, they have very clear what they want n life are strong mentally, when they start something they finish the projects, are individualistic, in its downside are forgetful, irresponsible and selfish.

People belonging to group O, are curious, generous, stubborn, often social entrepreneurs, they do not always finish what they start, they are creative, popular, likes to be the center of attention, ambitious, athletic, strong and confident same, but they may be in their negative, arrogant, vain, insensitive and ruthless.

People belonging to group AB are creative, mysterious, sympathetic, shy, confident,  are irresponsible but too many responsibilities cause problems, they are trustworthy and like to help others, they are unpredictable in its negative are distant, critical people, indecisive and unforgiving.

The Japanese give enough importance to these rankings about blood type and personalities, although its veracity we have to see it like a trend common with  general information about this blood groups,never something personal because it is not a personal definition about each person particularly.


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