Points Xue And Applications In Acupuncture

Acupunture science or the called art of acupuncture is based on the so-called Xué or Chinese skin points. When put into practice the techniques of acupuncture,one works on these points to obtain a therapeutic effect or anesthetic as the objective sought by the intervention.

These skin circumscribed points have been established empirically over thousands of years of medical experience effective generationally transmitted first and then marked on maps of the human body or dolls and statues with a more didactic purpose.

The advantages of acupuncture
Acupuncture has been maintained through dozens and dozens of years. The living practice that comes from the east is due to the perseverance and efforts of the Chinese people and their territorial neighbors such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam.

But the flame of oriental wisdom has been maintained and transmitted from generation to generation because of the obvious advantages of this practice.

Acupuncture is applicable to any situation. Can be used in emergency situations, during travels by water or air, in remote locations and in elementary or primitive conditions.
Acupuncture is a relatively simple technique is easy to learn and also quite simple to implement.
Acupuncture is an economic practice, as it allows saving of personnel, equipment and drugs. Reduces     convalescence time, especially when used for anesthetic purposes.
Acupuncture is a safe technique. correctly applied does not cause problems or side effects. No contraindications.
Acupuncture is effective in a significant number of diseases of internal and external etiology and functional. In many cases the benefits are immediate.

Acupuncture: its application in the West
Acupuncture is plausible application in a variety of diseases. In the East it is considered that can solve more than sixty diseases conclusively while it is considered an excellent and beneficial complement among others two hundred.

They are deserving special mention in its analgesic effects, anesthetic and anti spasmodic. It is considered a technique that controls and regulates the nervous system, both central and peripheral, as well as the neurovegetative.

On this side of the world, where ideology is dominant by practice allopathic medicine, acupuncture is recommended primarily for two major types of patients:

Those patients with chronic diseases and do not respond to traditional treatments, And in patients that transit processes for which no finds a treatment or a specific therapy.

Acupuncture: classical indications
Specifically acupuncture is recommended for the treatment of the following conditions:

   * Paralysis and paresis
   * Acute and chronic rheumatic
   * Headaches and migraines
   * Painful condition of smooth muscle (stomach, uterus, intestine, biliary and       renal colic)
   * Obesity
   * Some specific diseases of the eyes, ears, nose and throat
   * Neurosis, anxiety, insomnia, impotence, depression
   * Acute appendicitis
   * Alcohol addiction and various drugs, including snuff

Acupuncture limit
Acupuncture recognizes its effectiveness for the listed diseases, but also marks the land that forms the border and the areas on which acupuncture is not applicable:

   * Specific Infections
   * Neoplasms
   * Endocrine pathologies

The vast majority of diseases requiring surgical treatment, saving its use as an anesthetic or analgesic.


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